Forecast of Geomagnetic and Solar Indices for Drag Calculation

Welcome to the Space Surveillance and Tracking - Forecast of geomagnetic and solar indices for drag calculation service


The service "Space Surveillance and Tracking – Forecast of geomagnetic and solar indices for drag calculation" provides forecast of geomagnetic and solar indices for drag calculation. The service aims to provide a single, user-friendly access point via the ESA SWE Portal to nowcast and forecast indices needed for atmospheric modelling in support of atmospheric drag calculation.

This service addresses the needs of space surveillance and tracking users. This includes primarily the users of surveillance and tracking centre(s), stations and services, spacecraft operators (also spacecraft operators service domain), collision warning services and re-entry risk assessment services.

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Products and Alerts

The following products are associated with this service:


Solar Activity indices, forecast
International Sunspot number
Smoothed Sunspot Number (SSN, R12)
10.7cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7)
Solar EUV Index (S10.7)

No product available in this category yet

Solar EUV Index (E10.7)

No product available in this category yet

Solar FUV Index (M10.7)

No product available in this category yet

Solar X-ray & UV Index (Y10.7)

No product available in this category yet

Ionospheric Index (IG12)
Geomagnetic indices, forecast
Geomagnetic Storm Condition
Geomagnetic Indices Kp and K
Geomagnetic Index Ap and A
Geomagnetic Index Dst
Geomagnetic Index AE, AL and AU
Other indices, forecast
Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)


User Manual


This service provides forecast of geomagnetic and solar indices for drag calculation. The service goal is to provide access to forecasts of those geomagnetic and solar indices which are needed to enable computation of future thermospheric drag on satellites. The solar activity indices are derived from Sunspot number, Solar Microwave (F10.7), Solar EUV, Solar FUV and Solar X-ray data. The geomagnetic indices are derived from geomagnetic field measurements.


These services are expected to be used by a variety of users including:

  • Academics investigating and modelling solar and geomagnetic conditions
  • Commercial satellite operators
  • ESA/ESOC/S2P SST segment/Space Debris Office and Flight Dynamics
  • Third party service providers

The key anticipated areas of usage are:

  • Automated services needing up to date indices forecasts
  • Analysts of solar and geomagnetic phenomena
  • Services to provide forecasts of atmospheric neutral density

Key Products

Solar Activity indices, forecast

  • International Sunspot number
  • Solar Microwave Index (F10.7)

Geomagnetic indices, forecast

  • Geomagnetic Indices Kp and K
  • Geomagnetic Indices Ap and A
  • Geomagnetic Index Dst

The service is implemented through the following set of assets:

FORIND provides nowcasts and forecasts of solar and geomagnetic indices needed for atmospheric modelling in support of atmospheric drag calculation. These indices are stored on a dedicated FORIND database and can be retrieved, in a custom tailored and homogenous form, via a web page or a REST interface in CSV and JSON formats or visualized in PNG format.

ROB/SIDC forecasts solar radio flux F10.7.

IRF provides a forecast of geomagnetic indices: Kp, Dst and dB/dt.

COMESEP provides forecasts of geomagnetic storms.

UAH provides geomagnetic storm alert and prediction.




Forecast of Kp

Full product
Provided by: Swedish Institute of Space Physics

UGraz/KSO Latest F10.7 and F30 forecasts

Full product
Provided by: Kanzelhöhe Observatory for Solar and Environmental Research

SIDC Latest 10.7cm Solar radio flux (F10.7) forecast

Full product
Provided by: Solar Influences Data analysis Center