The ESA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that SWE Portal 3.5.0 was released on the 11 October 2022.
In this update, the ESA SWE Services have been enhanced with the incorporation of the following new and updated products and tools :
Not sure which products are linked to which service? Find the latest Service-Product linking here: Service Application Matrix
From the Solar Weather Expert Service Centre:
- University of Graz, Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory (UGraz/KSO) provides:
- Update of UGraz/KSO Solar filament detection with the new functionality of filament tracking.
From the Space Radiation Expert Service Centre:
- Space Research Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku (UTU-SEP) provides:
- New re-calculated model data using updated GLE fluence spectra and a slightly revised event list, now including sub-GLEs and GLEs observed during the full solar cycles 21-24 (March 1976 - December 2019). The sub-GLE-spectra remain unchanged. Because of the changed functional representation of the GLE spectra, the modelling is now performed using the "JPL"-methodology, i.e., modelling the fluences separately in each energy channel. The user interface of the product remains unchanged.
- Department Radiation Biology, German Aerospace Center – Institute of Aerospace Medicine (DLR-IAM) provides:
- An extension of the DOSIS 3D dataset to cover the period 2016 – 2018
- A fix of the dose units in the header of the data files of the Radiation environment outside the ISS and Accumulated dose in human phantoms on board the ISS
From the Geomagnetic Expert Service Centre:
- The British Geological Survey (BGS) provides:
- Updates for the products on Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) to include time series of modelled peak and average GIC values anywhere in the UK 132/275/400 kV power transmission network substations
- Updates for the products on Pipe-to-Soil Potential (PSP) to include time series of modelled peak and average PSP values in high-pressure gas transmission pipelines in each of Scotland, England, Wales and the whole UK
- auroral images from an additional station at Eskdalemuir Observatory in Southern Scotland
- enhanced auroral images because of the installation of an improved camera and camera housing at Lerwick
- German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) provides:
- an update on the archive interface of the Swarm Utilisation Analysis (SUA) product Swarm Polar Electrojet (PEJ)
From the Ionospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:
- German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) provides:
- a new product of the Swarm Utilisation Analysis (SUA) group displaying Rate Of change of TEC Index (ROTI) calculated from Swarm measurements.
- an update on the archive interface of the Swarm Utilisation Analysis (SUA) product Swarm Rate Of change of TEC (ROT).
- Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center (IMPC) provides:
- An update of the GNSS Performance Indicator
- ESA SWE Data Centre (SWE Portal) provides:
- an upgrade of IONMON underlying algorithms. The update has been implemented in connection to recent IGS upgrades, in conformity to ITRF 2020 release, and with an improvement of GLONASS DCB estimation
From the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:
- KU Leuven provides:
- An update to the Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre (VSWMC), a tool that lets you run space weather models either in a stand-alone way or coupled together. The update includes the integration of the six new models Multi-VP, NARMAX, SPARX, BPiM, GORGON-SPACE and MCM to the VSWMC. In addition, a user manual in form of help web pages is integrated in the User Interface.
The following products will no longer be provided:
- IMPC 3D Electron Density Based on Kriging Tomography
- GLE Alert+ by NKUA has been superseded by the new and improved version GLE Alert++ since Portal Release 3.3.0
Your feedback is important! We kindly invite you to participate in a survey to tell us your thoughts on the new SWE Portal, all feedback is welcome and will help improve the SWE Portal and better tailor our services to your needs.
Our SSCC helpdesk are here to help and can be contacted by sending us an email ( or by filling the SWE Portal support request form. A short user satisfaction survey is accessible at the bottom of our replies upon closure of your requests, we would be grateful if you could follow the link to provide feedback on our helpdesk response and help us to improve our service.
Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk ( for any further information.