
SWE Portal 3.4.0 Release Note

The ESA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that SWE Portal 3.4.0 was released on the 7 April 2022.

In this update, the ESA SWE Services have been enhanced with the incorporation of the following new and updated products and tools:

Not sure which products are linked to which service? Find the latest Service-Product linking here: Service Application Matrix

From the Solar Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • MEDOC, Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale provides:
    • maps of the radiance in different UV and extreme-UV (EUV) bands on the full solar sphere, in heliographic Carrington coordinates, for a given reference time. These maps are derived from SDO/AIA observations.
    • maps of parameters of a Differential Emission Measure (DEM) model as a function of temperature: temperature (T), Emission Measure (EM), width of the DEM, and goodness of fit (χ²). These maps are derived from SDO/AIA observations.
    • maps of the radial component of the electric current density vector in Active Regions, in Cylindrical Equal Area coordinates. These maps are derived from science-level and near-real-time SDO/HMI data.
  • SIDC, ROB provides updates for:
    • SIDC Humain Callisto Solar radio spectrograms
    • SIDC Automated Solar radio burst detections.

From the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • STFC, RAL Space provides:
    • a comparison of solar wind forecast speeds using the different models provided by the H-ESC. This is a "latest data" product and provides comparison for the last 3 days and up to the next 3 days.
  • University of Graz, Institute of Physics (UNIGRAZ) provides:
    • The Drag-Based Model (DBM) tool provides predictions of the interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) travel and its arrival at an arbitrary ecliptic-plane location or at already listed planets and satellites in ecliptic-plane orbits. From Portal Release 3.4, DBM is provided as part of the DBEM product.

From the Space Radiation Expert Service Centre:

  • Space Research Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku (UTU-SEP) provides an update:
    • a catalogue product now containing expanded fluence information, as more high energy channels have been added to proton and oxygen fluences as well as to the event-integrated iron to oxygen ratio
  • National Observatory of Athens (NOA) provides:
    • The High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis (HESPERIA) products. The HESPERIA products provide near-Earth real-time predictions of the proton flux for energies 30-50 MeV (HESPERIA REleASE) and > 500 MeV (HESPERIA UMASEP-500). Furthermore, an automated Alert system is provided (HESPERIA REleASE Alert).
    • They were updated from demonstration status to a fully integrated status within the SWE service network:
      • links were added to the products on the SWE service pages and
      • in the 'Contributions' tab on the R-ESC webpage

From the Geomagnetic Conditions Expert Service Centre:

  • DTU Space, (NRG MAG) provides an update:
    • Magnetogrammes from North(West) Europe and Greenland are updated with the inclusion of the following 4 geomagnetic stations: in Greenland: Kulusuk (KUL) and Ittoqqortoormiit (SCO), in Finland: Åland (AAL) and in Sweden Gotland (GOT).
    • German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) high cadence geomagnetic indices Hp60 and Hp30 are now provided under a unique product landing page labelled GFZ Hpo.

From the ESA Space Weather Office:

  • NGRM is the second Space Weather instrument flying as part of ESA's Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S). Latest data from the NGRM instrument onboard the EDRS-C spacecraft is now provided as part of the General Data Services. Access this via the SWE Data Browser or API and find out more about NGRM here.

Your feedback is important! We kindly invite you to participate in a survey to tell us your thoughts on the new SWE Portal, all feedback is welcome and will help improve the SWE Portal and better tailor our services to your needs.

Our SSCC helpdesk are here to help and can be contacted by sending us an email (helpdesk.swe@ esa.int) or by filling the SWE Portal support request form. A short user satisfaction survey is accessible at the bottom of our replies upon closure of your requests, we would be grateful if you could follow the link to provide feedback on our helpdesk response and help us to improve our service.

Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk (helpdesk.swe@esa.int) for any further information.