
SWE Portal 2.2.0 Release Note

The ESA SSA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that on September 13th, 2016 the SSA Space Weather Portal (http://swe.ssa.esa.int/) has been upgraded, providing access to new tools and content.

Within the Space Radiation Expert Service Center the following new product is now available:

  • COMESEP (COronal Mass Ejections and Solar Energetic Particles Alert System)
Within the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Center the following new products are now available:
  • ESWF (Empirical Solar Wind Forecasting)
  • DBM (Drag Based Model)
  • AWARE (Automated WARnings of Earth arrivals)
Access to all (new) ESC products and tools requires prior registration. Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk (helpdesk.swe@esa.int) to request adaptation of your registration. Detailed instructions are available in the section “Applications preferences” of the SSA Space Weather Portal.


Finally, a summary of all the Service Network Products available via the SWE portal is now available within the Documents section.

Please read here below for a detailed description of the new tools:

COronal Mass Ejections and Solar Energetic Particles Alert System (COMESEP)

COMESEP is provided by the Space Weather Services of the Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy and is available from the Space Radiation Expert Service Centre page of the SSA Space Weather Portal. The COMESEP (COronal Mass Ejections and Solar Energetic Particles: forecasting the space weather impact) provides tools for forecasting geomagnetic storms and solar energetic particle (SEP) radiation storms, which run automatically without human intervention. When a solar flare or CME is automatically detected, the different modules of the system communicate in order to exchange information. The system displays alerts online and provides notifications for the space weather community.

Empircal Solar Wind Forecasting (ESWF)

ESWF is provided by the Institute of Physics of the Univerity of Graz and is available from the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre page of the SSA Space Weather Portal. The ESWF is based on an empirical relation linking the area of coronal holes observed in remote sensing EUV data and high speed streams measured at Earth after about 4 days. The service provides the extracted areas from EUV (NASA SDO/AIA 193 A) image data, as well as a graphical output of the forecasted solar wind speed at L1 for three different time-ranges. The service product is updated automatically every hour, with a delay of 2 hours to real-time, and compared to actual L1 in-situ measurements (ACE/DSCOVR).

CME Earth arrival Drag Based Model Forecasts (DBM)

DBM is provided by the Institute of Physics of the Univerity of Graz and is available from the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre page of the SSA Space Weather Portal. The drag-based model (DBM) tool provides predictions of the interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) travel and its arrival at an arbitrary ecliptic-plane location or at already listed planets and satellites in ecliptic-plane orbits.

Automated near-Earth alerts (AWARE)

AWARE is provided by the Technical University of Denmark and is available from the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre page of the SSA Space Weather Portal. The Near-Earth Near-Real-Time alert service (AWARE) product provides an automated detection and subsequent classification of solar wind disturbances arriving at the L1 point. Focus is on disturbances with a potential for creating geomagnetic storms. The service requires solar wind in situ plasma and magnetic field observations. These are currently provided in NRT directly from NOAA/NASA from the ACE SWEPAM and MAG instruments. Periods of significantly enhanced magnetic field are identified and classified according to their most likely cause, being either propagating ICMEs or high speed streams creating SIRs (including CIRs). In addition, significant interplanetary shocks are identified. Independently Kp is predicted 1-2h ahead based on the latest solar wind measurements.

This application requires registration. Please contact helpdesk.
E-mail: helpdesk.swe@esa.int
Phone: +32-2-7903-913.