
SWE Portal 2.10.0 Release Note

The ESA SSA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that SWE Portal 2.10.0 was released on the 27 September, 2018. With this update two new service pages are included in the Spacecraft Operation area on the portal.

Additionally, the SSA SWE Services have been enhanced with the incorporation of the following new and updated products and tools:

From the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • University of Graz, Institute of Physics provides:
    • Forecast of solar wind high-speed streams utilizing near-real time beacon solar wind plasma data from the STEREO-A spacecraft, with uncertainties of the forecast also given based on the comparison of the coronal holes as observed in STEREO-A and SDO EUV data.
    • CME arrival time predictions using a Drag Based Model with ensemble runs to help quantify prediction uncertainties. (DBEM)
  • Technical University of Denmark (DTU) provides:
    • Automated detection and subsequent classification of solar wind disturbances, where the focus is on disturbances with a potential for creating geomagnetic storms, with input data from STEREO-A. In addition, significant interplanetary shocks are identified and an "equivalent Kp" is estimated based on the latest solar wind measurements, in order to put the solar wind disturbance in an Earth effect context, should a similar disturbance reach Earth.
  • Met Office provides:
    • Upgrading and general restructured products including Enlil simulations of solar wind, with CME arrival times and forecaster based arrival assessment.
  • RAL Space (STFC) provides:
    • An updated product archive to also reflect the new Heliospheric products.

From the Space Radiation Expert Service Centre:

  • Space Research Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Turku provides:
    • An update to the Solar Energetic Particle event catalogue and readjustment of existing events.
  • Center for Space Radiations provides:
    • An update to the EPT product documentation.

From the Ionospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya provides:
    • Existing products SISTED, SOLERA-drift (formally GSFLAI) have been augmented by additional new products: SISTED warning and SOLERA-drift warning, showing the time evolution of theGNSS-based EUV flux rate seen from the Earth’s Ionosphere (SOLERA) and real-time alerts associated to the occurrence of mid and strong geoffective solar flares affecting the sunlit ionosphere by means of SISTED GNSS-based detector and SOLERA-drift detector.
  • European Space Agency (ESA) provides:
    • An update to the IONMON products improving layout and error handling. IONMON will now allow users to download the numerical data file.

Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk (helpdesk.swe@esa.int) for any further information.