
SWE Portal 2.9.0 Release Note

The ESA SSA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that SWE Portal 2.9.0 was released on the 22 May, 2018. With this update two new service pages are included in the Spacecraft Design Service Domain and Human Spaceflight Domain areas on the portal respectively. The new services focus on in-orbit verification of the spacecraft environment and effects and on providing relevant space weather information supporting the estimation of in-flight radiation dose.

In anticipation of new Space Weather Services targeting improved thermospheric drag calculation expected to follow later this year, a number of targeted products developed within the "SSA P2-SWE-II: Space Weather Service Developments*" activity have been deployed as follows:

  • ATMDEN provides estimates of total atmospheric neutral density in the altitude range 120 - 1500 km based on the DTM2013 model. Products include a 3-hourly forecast with a 3-day forecast horizon, a daily forecast with a 27 day forecast horizon and a 12month prior estimate of density.
  • The tool FORIND provides access to nowcasts and forecasts of solar and geomagnetic indices needed for atmospheric modelling in support of atmospheric drag calculation.

*The P2-SWE-II consortium: Deimos Space UK, UK Met Office, ISS Romania and DHConsultancy

In addition, the SSA SWE Services have been enhanced with the incorporation of the following new and updated products and tools:


  • The Solar Influences Data Analysis Center provides:
    • The operator of the SIDC local observing facilities (Uccle Solar Equatorial Table) produces a drawing every day of the white light Solar disk as it appears projected on paper sheet. The analysis of the drawing provides characteristics of the Sunspot groups visible on the disk and occurs through a combination of human interaction (grouping spots together and judging their classification) and automated routines (calculation of the area and position).
  • The Swedish Institute of Space Physics provides:
    • Forecast of Kp index with up to 4 hours lead-time.
    • Forecast of Dst index with up to 2 hours lead-time.
    • Improvement of the underlying model for the existing dB/dt forecast product.


Finally, improvements to the metadata of data sets have been implemented that are accessible via the SWE Data Browsing and Analysis function of the SWE Portal.

Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk (helpdesk.swe@esa.int) for any further information.