
SWE Portal 2.5.0 Release Note

The ESA SSA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that SWE Portal 2.5.0 was released on 28th February, 2017 providing new and updated products and services.

In this release the 18 existing service pages have been improved and two new service pages have been added to the "Non Space Systems Operation" domain focussing on pipeline operators and the auroral tourism sector.

This release now provides access to 20 services targeting the domains: Spacecraft Design (3), Spacecraft Operation (2), Human Space Flight (1), Trans-ionospheric Radio Link (4), Space Surveillance & Tracking (1), Non-space System Operation (4), and General Data Service (5). Each service is implemented through a combination of derived data products, software tools, technical reports and associated user support addressing the high-level requirements of the associated group of end-users. User guidance for all services is available via the SSCC and is provided with expert scientific and technical support from the Expert Service Centres participating in the SWE Network. Furthermore, user feedback on the new service presentation format is welcome and encouraged.

In addition, this SSA Space Weather Portal upgrade will provide access to many new and improved products and tools.

Within the Solar Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • the Institute of 4D Technologies from Switzerland provides eCallisto solar radiospectrograms


Within the Space Radiation Expert Service Centre:

  • the Space Research Laboratory from University of Turku, Finland provide very high-energy SEP environment mission specifications and SEP event catalogue information
  • the Belgian Royal Institute for Space Aeronomy provides access to SPENVIS release 4.6.8. This upgraded application provides updated access to a wide range of space environment models and tools.
  • the Mullard Space Science Laboratory provides electron population models providing an estimate of the low (10eV- 40keV) energy electron environment at MEO and GEO orbits based on Cluster/PEACE data


Within the Ionospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • DLR provide updated version of the SWACI near real-time TEC maps (beta version), demonstrating improvement with the use of a new processing chain and inclusion of data from the Greenland region


Within the Geomagnetic Conditions Expert Service Centre:

  • the Finnish Meteorological Institute provides an improved auroral nowcast and forecast service for Northern latitudes now including data from both Finnish and Norwegian magnetometer stations
  • the Finnish Meteorological Institute also provides measured and modelled GIC in the Finnish natural gas pipeline


Within the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • the Met Office Space Weather Operations Centre provide Heliospheric space weather forecasts & alerts for Earth and other locations in the solar system
  • the Centre de DonnĂ©es de la Physique des Plasmas provide the AMDA Automated Multi Dataset Analysis functionality, providing extensive space environment data archives and supporting features
  • the STFC RAL Space provide access to the H-ESC Product Archive, initially providing a product browser and event case study facility combining products from the participating Expert Groups.


Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk (helpdesk.swe@esa.int) for any further information.