
SWE Portal 2.8.0 Release Note

The ESA SSA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that SWE Portal 2.8.0 was released on the 20 February, 2018. With this update the SSA SWE services have been enhanced with the incorporation of the following new and updated products and tools:

From the Space Radiation Expert Service Centre:

  • The DLR Institute of Aerospace Medicine provides:
    • the RadSpace product providing Radiation environment outside and inside the ISS as well as accumulated dose in human phantoms on board the ISS.
    • the RadSEP product providing SEP post-event analysis for aviation radiation exposure.
  • The Athens Neutron Monitor Station has integrated its Ground Level Enhancement Alert Service (ANeMoS) into the SWE Portal Single Sign On.


From the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:
  • The Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas provides the CDPP propagation Tool (PROPTOOL) allowing the user to track coronal mass ejections, solar wind stream interaction regions and energetic particles in the heliosphere.


From the Geomagnetic Conditions Expert Service Centre:

  • The Space Weather research group of the University of Alcalá (UAH) provides 8 new products for forecasting geomagnetic storms, predicting their recovery phase, monitoring regional geomagnetic disturbances and estimating GIC phenomena.


Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk (helpdesk.swe@esa.int) for any further information.