
SWE Portal 3.12.0 Release Note

The ESA Space Weather team is pleased to announce that SWE Portal 3.12.0 was released on the 20 February 2025.

In this update, the ESA SWE Services have been enhanced with the incorporation of the following new and updated products and tools:

Not sure which products are linked to which service? Find the latest Service-Product linking here: Service Application Matrix

From the Solar Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • The Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers (CEA/IRFU) provides an update, this release features an updated and robust Solar Magnetic Activity Forecasting tool with enhanced Python scripts for improved solar cycle predictions, and new sunspot weighting options for customizable data assimilation, with detailed explanations added to the Help page.

From the Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • The Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) provided an update of the CME propagation prediction tool, with improved detection algorithm on the coronagraph imaging and now a semi-automated detection to ensure the detections of Earthward directed CMEs, with support of the curated UKMO CME list.
  • Infor'marty provides an update for the Magnetic Connectivity Tool, consisting on optimisations to the backend processing and general updates to the robustness, responsiveness and minor changes to the presentation of the product. 

  • Infor'marty provides an update to the Solar Wind Flux Tube (SWiFT) forecast, which includes algorithm optimisations and improvements to the backend processing and some plotting enhancements (longer plot duration and improved display of uncertainty information).  

  • The Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas (CDPP) provides an update to the Shock tool, which includes optimisations to the backend processing and improvements to the display of forecast uncertainties. 

From the Ionospheric Weather Expert Service Centre:

  • The UK Met Office (UKMO) provides an update to the Atmospheric Density Estimates of Forecast and Prior Total Density for Atmospheric Drag Calculation.
    • The update includes an updated range for the atmospheric density plots that enables an improved visualization moving towards the solar maximum.

From the Geomagnetic Expert Service Centre:

  • The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) provides:
    • An update on the ap Prediction product, such that is now fully automated and has no person in the loop. The update is a new algorithm that takes data from real time databases and calculates the arrival of the CME and the maximum value of the ap index.

From the ESA Space Weather Office:

  • SOSMAG/GK2A, EDRS-C/NGRM, and Sentinel-6-MF/NGRM datasets in both the SWE Data Browser and HAPI have new names and identifiers. The new dataset names are grouped into the D3S repository and follow the D3S naming scheme. Please move to using the new datasets as the old datasets are deprecated and will be decommissioned with Portal release 3.14. Until then, both the old and the new datasets provide the exact same data. Please find the details of the renaming on the respective instrument pages.

In this update on the ESA SWE Portal:

  • There is an update on the “Use of L5 Data in CME propagation Models” regarding the progress made on the assessment results on the future data usage acquired from the Earth-Sun Lagrange Point 5 on CME characterisation and propagation modelling analysed on seven Use Cases, also comprising sensitivity tests. This appears under “Feasibility Studies and Demonstrators”.
  • This release introduces a new FAQ page, featuring answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. Additionally, a dedicated page has been added for those seeking more information on how to access our services via API.

Your feedback is important! We kindly invite you to participate in a survey to tell us your thoughts on the new SWE Portal, all feedback is welcome and will help improve the SWE Portal and better tailor our services to your needs.

Our SSCC helpdesk are here to help and can be contacted by sending us an email ( or by filling the SWE Portal support request form. A short user satisfaction survey is accessible at the bottom of our replies upon closure of your requests, we would be grateful if you could follow the link to provide feedback on our helpdesk response and help us to improve our service.

Please contact the SSCC Helpdesk ( for any further information.