Space Weather Nowcast and Forecast Products (Daily, Weekly)
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Products and Alerts
Solar Data
Solar Flares
- SIDC Solarmap
- UGraz/KSO Latest Solar flare detections
- SIDC Latest Solar flare forecast
- UKMO Latest Solar flare forecast
- FLARECAST Solar flare forecast
- SIDC Latest daily space weather bulletin
- A-EFFort Latest Solar flare forecast
- SIDC Latest Solar EUV flare detection
- ASUCAS/SPS Latest Solar flare forecast
- SIDC Latest Moderated Solar Weather Event list
- ASUCAS/SPS Latest Daily space weather bulletin
Coronal Holes
- Synchronous synoptic maps of the solar corona in the UV and extreme-UV - Nowcast
- Synchronous synoptic maps of the solar corona in the UV and extreme-UV - Forecast
- SIDC Solarmap
- SIDC Latest daily space weather bulletin
- SIDC Latest automated coronal hole detection
- SIDC Latest Moderated Solar Weather Event list
- ASUCAS/SPS Latest Daily space weather bulletin
Solar Disc Magnetic Fields
International Sunspot number
- Sunspot Number Nowcast 1-day
- Sunspot Number Forecast SC 12-month
- Sunspot Number Forecast CM 12-month
- Sunspot Number Forecast ISM 12-month
- Sunspot Number Forecast ICM 12-month
- Sunspot Number Forecast IMLM 12-month
- Sunspot Number Forecast multi-year
- Latest Solar Magnetic Activity Forecasting
- SIDC/SILSO Latest International sunspot number
Smoothed Sunspot Number (SSN, R12)
10.7cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7)
- F10.7 Index Forecast 27-day/BGS
- F10.7 Index Forecast multi-year
- F10.7 Index Forecast 27-day/SWPC
- F10.7 Index Forecast 45-day
- F10.7 Index Forecast 30-day Absolute
- F10.7 Index Forecast 30-day Adjusted
- UGraz/KSO Latest F10.7 and F30 forecasts
- SIDC Latest 10.7cm Solar radio flux (F10.7) forecast
- CLS F10.7 and F30 nowcast & forecast
Ionospheric Index (IG12)
EUV Images of Sun
White Light Solar Imaging
H-alpha Images of Sun
Solar EUV Images Outside of Sun-Earth Line
Solar X-ray Flux
Heliospheric Imaging of Sun-Earth Line
Sunspot Group Data
Solar Filament Data
Radio Burst Detection
Interplanetary medium
High Energy >10 MeV Protons
1-10 MeV Protons
Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Solar Wind Bulk Velocity
- Solar Wind Forecast Speed Comparison
- Near-Earth NRT solar wind (DSCOVR)
- Empirical solar wind speed forecast
- Empirical solar wind speed forecast
- Solar wind speed forecast (STEREO-A persistence model)
- AWARE_NEXT Enhanced 24 hour solar wind forecast
- Near-Earth solar wind forecasts (WSA-Enlil + Ensemble)
- SIDC Latest daily space weather bulletin
Solar Wind Bulk Density
Solar Wind Temperature
Solar Energetic Particle Events
Interplanetary Medium Data
CME propagation forecast
Earth Magnetosphere and Radiation Belt
Geomagnetic Storm Condition
- 3-hourly K index: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir, Hartland
- 3-hourly aa index
- 3-hourly Kp index
- 3-hourly ap index
- Daily Aa index
- Daily Ap index
- 72-hour ap forecast
- 27-day Ap forecast
- 3-hourly K(GBI) index
- 72-hour K(GBI) forecast
- Human global geomagnetic activity forecast
- Real-time one-minute Dst (ASC)
- Nowcast Kp index
- Nowcast Hp60 index
- Nowcast Hp30 index
- MID-R and MID-E
Geomagnetic Indices Kp and K
- 3-hourly K index: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir, Hartland
- 3-hourly Kp index
- 3-hourly K(GBI) index
- 72-hour K(GBI) forecast
- Nowcast Kp index
- Kp and Ap index on tabular form
- Nowcast Hp60 index
- Hp60 and ap60 index in tabular form
- Nowcast Hp30 index
- Hp30 and ap30 index in tabular form
- K-index from magnetometer stations in north Europe
- Forecasts of dB/dt
- SIDC Latest 3-day K-Belgium forecast
- Kp Index Nowcast 3-hour/GFZ
- Kp Index Nowcast 3-hour/BGS
- Kp 3-hour Index Forecast 3-day
- Wing 3-hour Kp Index Forecast 1-hour
- Wing 3-hour Kp Index Forecast 4-hour
- Largest Kp Index Forecast 27-day
- SIDC Latest daily space weather bulletin
Geomagnetic Index Ap and A
- 3-hourly aa index
- 3-hourly ap index
- Daily Aa index
- Daily Ap index
- 72-hour ap forecast
- 27-day Ap forecast
- Kp and Ap index on tabular form
- Hp60 and ap60 index in tabular form
- Hp30 and ap30 index in tabular form
- ap index Nowcast 3-hour/BGS
- ap index Nowcast 3-hour/GFZ
- ap index Nowcast 1-day/BGS
- ap index Nowcast 1-day/SWPC
- ap index Nowcast 1-day/GFZ
- ap index Forecast 27-day
- ap index Forecast 3-day/SWPC
- ap index Forecast 27-day/SWPC
- ap index Forecast 45-day
- ap index Forecast 3-day/BGS
- SIDC Latest daily space weather bulletin
Geomagnetic Index Dst
High Energy >10 MeV Protons
1-10 MeV Protons
30 keV-8 MeV Electrons
Thermal and Supra-thermal Electron and Ion Energy Spectra
Geomagnetic Index AE, AL and AU
AZ index
Earth Ionosphere and Thermosphere
Vertical Total Electron Content Map
- TEC map (Europe), current
- TEC map (Europe), forecast
- TEC map (Global), current
- TEC map (Global), forecast
- VTEC maps (Northern Europe)
- EIS Near real-time TEC maps for the European region
- TEC and Err(TEC) nowcast modelled maps
- TEC and Err(TEC) nowcast modelled values at a given location
- Nowcasting of TEC over Italy
- Short Term Forecasting of TEC over Italy
3D Electron Density Grids
URSI Ionospheric Parameters
- EIS European maps of foF2 long term predictions
- EIS Nowcast European maps of foF2
- EIS Maps of forecasted foF2 over Europe for the next 24 hours
- EIS Forecasted foF2 values for the next 24 hours over each ionosonde
- EIS hmF2 maps for Europe
- Nowcasting of MUF(3000)F2 over Europe
- Nowcasting of MUF(3000)F2 ratio over Europe
- Short Term Forecasting of MUF(3000)F2 over Europe
- Short Term Forecasting of MUF(3000)F2 ratio over Europe
Neutral Density in Thermosphere
Scintillation Indices and Parameters
- Global Scintillation Indices
- S4 maps (Northern Europe)
- σφ maps (Northern Europe)
- S4 and Err(S4) nowcast modelled maps
- SigmaPhi and Err(SigmaPhi) nowcast modelled maps
- S4 and Err(S4) 6-hour forecast modelled maps
- SigmaPhi and Err(SigmaPhi) 6-hour forecast modelled maps
- S4 and Err(S4) nowcast modelled values at a given location
- SigmaPhi and Err(SigmaPhi) nowcast modelled values at a given location
- S4 and Err(S4) 6h forecast modelled values at a given location
- SigmaPhi and Err(SigmaPhi) 6h forecast modelled values at a given location
Ionospheric Disturbances
- Equivalent slab thickness, Juliusruh
- Equivalent slab thickness, Pruhonice
- ROTI maps for Europe
- Maximum Usable Frequency for skip-distances of 750 km (MUF750)
- GIVE maps (Northern Europe)
- ROTI maps (Northern Europe)
- ROTI@Ground maps (Fennoscandia)
- EIS Alerts for ionospheric disturbances in the European sector
- EIS Current Ionospheric Conditions at each ionosonde location
- Swarm Rate Of change of TEC (ROT)
- Swarm Ionospheric Bubble Index (IBI)
- Swarm Rate Of change of TEC Index (ROTI)
- SOLERA-drift
- SISTED warning
- SOLERA-drift warning
- GNSS Performance Indicator
- TechTIDE GNSS TEC gradient
- TechTIDE LSTID detector maps
- TechTIDE LSTID parameters over station
- TechTIDE LSTID activity index
- TechTIDE AATR indicator maps
- TechTIDE AATR indicator daily plots
- TechTIDE Medium Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTID) detection for Czech Republic, Doppler system based
- TechTIDE MSTID index maps
- TechTIDE MSTID index daily plots
- TechTIDE TID Activity Report
Earth Atmosphere and Geomagnetic Environment
Auroral Visible Imaging
Local External Magnetic Field on Ground
Local Geomagnetic Induced Geoelectric Field
- Horizontal electric field data (UK)
- Peak Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) for Scotland, England, Wales and the UK
- Average Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) for Scotland, England, Wales and the UK
- Peak Pipe-to-Soil Potential (PSP) for Scotland, England, Wales and the UK
- Average Pipe-to-Soil Potential (PSP) for Scotland, England, Wales and the UK
- 3-hourly Telluric index (Lerwick, Eskdalemuir, Hartland)
- GIC Index, Bgic for the UK
- Modelled surface electric field for UK and Ireland
- Maps for power and pipeline operators
- Table of modelled GIC
- Pipe-to-soil voltage (PSV)
Neutral Density and Wind
Other Planets
Microparticle Environment
Orbital Data of Spacecraft Carrying Space Weather Instruments
Deep Dielectric Charging
Dose at Aircraft Altitudes
Alert products
All Quiet Alert
End-of-quiet Alert
Solar Flare Detection
Solar Flare Detection and Location
CME Onset
CIR Alert
Solar Particle Event Onset
Geomagnetic Storm Warning / Solar Wind Shock Arrival
Geomagnetic Storm Onset
Ionospheric Disturbance Detection
- Maximum Usable Frequency for skip-distances of 750 km (MUF750)
- EIS Alerts for ionospheric disturbances in the European sector
- SISTED warning
- SOLERA-drift warning
- TechTIDE LSTID detector maps
- TechTIDE LSTID parameters over station
- TechTIDE TID Activity Report
- Latest ICAO Space Weather Advisory browser
Ground Level Enhancement Detection
User Manual
All data and service products contributing to the General forecast service can be accessed from the product catalogue matrix in the "Products" section. These products are ordered and categorised as per the ESA product specification documents according to the physical domain and product types.