Space Weather Data Archive

Welcome to the General Data Services - Data Archive service


Data lies at the heart of ESA's Space Weather activities. Many of the user requirements and components to be delivered as part of the SWE segment make reference to requirements on the availability of and access to data of diverse types. This includes real-time and near-real-time data but also archives of past and historical data.

The general data archive provides access to the archives of all data and products included in the ESA SWE service network.

This service is implemented through a combination of products, tools and alerts which can be found in the sections below with expert support provided by the teams constituting the SWE Network. Should you require further guidance in the use of this service, or have specific questions about any aspects of the service presented here, don’t hesitate to contact the SSCC Helpdesk.

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💡Update: New Service Page design for release 3.7! Let us know what you think about our services in our Survey.

Products and Alerts


Solar Data
Solar Flares
Coronal Holes
Solar Disc Magnetic Fields
International Sunspot number
Smoothed Sunspot Number (SSN, R12)
10.7cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7)
Solar EUV Index (S10.7)
Solar EUV Index (E10.7)

No product available in this category yet

Solar FUV Index (M10.7)
Solar X-ray & UV Index (Y10.7)
Ionospheric Index (IG12)
EUV Images of Sun
White Light Solar Imaging
H-alpha Images of Sun
Soft X-ray Images of the Sun

No product available in this category yet

Solar EUV Images Outside of Sun-Earth Line
Solar Coronagraphic Images Outside of Sun-Earth Line

No product available in this category yet

Solar Far-side Maps (using helioseismology technique)

No product available in this category yet

Ly-alpha Images

No product available in this category yet

White-light wide-angle Coronagraph Images

No product available in this category yet

Solar Radiospectrographic Observations
Solar X-ray Flux
Solar EUV Integrated Flux
Solar UV Flux
Heliospheric Imaging of Sun-Earth Line
Sunspot Group Data
Solar Filament Data
Radio Burst Detection
Interplanetary medium
High Energy >10 MeV Protons
High Energy >10 MeV/nuc Ions
1-10 MeV Protons
1-10 MeV/nuc Ions
0.03-1 MeV/nuc Ions
2-50 MeV Solar Electrons
30 keV-8 MeV Electrons
Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Solar Wind Bulk Velocity
Solar Wind Bulk Density
Solar Wind Temperature
Solar Energetic Particle Events
Interplanetary Medium Data
CME propagation forecast
Earth Magnetosphere and Radiation Belt
Geomagnetic Storm Condition
Geomagnetic Indices Kp and K
Geomagnetic Index Ap and A
Geomagnetic Index Dst
High Energy >10 MeV Protons
High Energy >10 MeV/nuc Ions
1-10 MeV Protons
1-10 MeV/nuc Ions
0.03-1 MeV/nuc Ions
30 keV-8 MeV Electrons
Thermal and Supra-thermal Electron and Ion Energy Spectra
Magnetospheric Radiowave Spectra

No product available in this category yet

Thermal Ions Density and Temperature
Local Magnetospheric Magnetic Field in Orbit
Plasma Drift Velocity

No product available in this category yet

Transpolar Electric Field

No product available in this category yet

Auroral Particle Precipitation

No product available in this category yet

Geomagnetic Index AE, AL and AU
Geomagnetic Index PC
Auroral Kilometric Radiation

No product available in this category yet

Earth Ionosphere and Thermosphere
Vertical Total Electron Content Map
3D Electron Density Grids
URSI Ionospheric Parameters
Riometer Data
Neutral Density in Thermosphere
Neutral Wind Velocity in Thermosphere

No product available in this category yet

Scintillation Indices and Parameters
Atomic Oxygen Density
Ionospheric Disturbances
Earth Atmosphere and Geomagnetic Environment
Auroral Visible Imaging
Auroral UV Imaging

No product available in this category yet

Local External Magnetic Field on Ground
Local Geomagnetic Induced Geoelectric Field
Neutral Density and Wind
Atmospheric neutrons
Other Planets
Planetary Atmospheric Properties

No product available in this category yet

Microparticle Environment
Micro Particle Flux
Known Periods/events of Increased Microparticle Flux
Anomalies on Spacecraft Equipment
Spacecraft Radiation Monitors
Orbital Data of Spacecraft Carrying Space Weather Instruments

No product available in this category yet

Spacecraft Housekeeping Telemetry

No product available in this category yet

Deep Dielectric Charging
Surface Charging
Floating Spacecraft Potential
Dose at Aircraft Altitudes
Alert products
All Quiet Alert
End-of-quiet Alert
Solar Flare Detection
Solar Flare Detection and Location
CME Onset
Halo CME Onset
CIR Alert
Solar Particle Event Onset
Geomagnetic Storm Warning / Solar Wind Shock Arrival
Geomagnetic Storm Onset
Ionospheric Disturbance Detection
Ground Level Enhancement Detection


User Manual

All archives of data and service products included in the ESA SWE network can be accessed from the product catalogue matrix in the "Products" section. These products are ordered and categorised as per the ESA product specification documents according to the physical domain and product types.



❗Warning: Please note that interactive functionalities of the COMESEP interface are currently disabled due to a technical issue. Users subscribed to email alerts will continue to receive alerts. New subscriptions are temporarily not possible. To change threshold settings, unsubscribe or for more information, please contact the helpdesk.

❗Due to current unavailability of the SDO input data the performance of some products is affected.

SIDC/SILSO Latest International sunspot number

Full product
Provided by: Solar Influences Data analysis Center

ROTI maps for Europe

Full product
Provided by: German Aerospace Center

Latest PROBA-V/EPT proton flux geographical map

Full product
Provided by: Center for Space Radiations