Manuals and Tutorials

Learn how to use the portal

The ESA SWE Service Network Addresses a Wide-Range of User Communities

On this page you can find user manual and tutorials that intend to help you make the most out of the ESA SWE Portal experience. We regularly run webinars covering a large range of topics - keep an eye out for these via the Helpdesk mailing list, upcoming events or our twitter page @esaspaceweather.

Product Catalogue

pdf / 2023-07-11 / i18r0 / [SSA-SWE-SSCC-TN-0011]


release 3.1 / 2020-10-06 / [video - 10 mins] release 3.6 / 2023-05-25 / [video - 40 mins] release 3.7 / 2023-07-27 / [video - 50 mins] release 3.7 / 2023-09-07 / [video - 35 mins]

User Manuals


Products and tools