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EGS Space Weather Business Meeting Report

Place: EGS XXIV General Assembly, The Hague, The Netherlands
Date : 22 April 1999
Organisers: Volker Bothmer (Univ. of Kiel) and Norma Crosby (ESTEC/TOS-EMA)

The EGS Space Weather Business Meeting: "Space Weather Efforts in Europe - Co-ordination of Current Activities and Future Plans" was held on Thursday, 22 April 1999, at 17 hr (Room: Commissiekamer 2) and lasted two hours. Approximately 45 people attended the meeting including participants from the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, UK and USA.

Volker Bothmer opened the meeting by giving an overview about the different issues that would be covered. This report is a summary of the various topics that were covered during this meeting. Basically the meeting was divided into four parts:


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