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Index of ESA Space Weather StudiesThe Space Weather Applications Pilot Project: 2003-2005The aim of the space weather pilot project was to extend the space weather community in Europe. This took place through outreach activities, collaboration and the development of key space weather applications based on existing or easily adaptable sources of data. The project began in April 2003 and lasted for a period of two years. At the end of the project an assessment was made of the benefits that can be achieved through the implementation of space weather services by European users and the level of economic benefit future programme elements would bring. As such, the results of this projects played a crucial role in determining ESA's future policy towards space weather.
Space Weather Feasibility
Studies: 1999-2001
In 1999, ESA awarded two parallel contracts to consortia led by Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (UK) and Alcatel Space (France). These studies performed wide-ranging analyses of the need for a European space weather programme and the possible content of such a programme.
CDF Space Weather
Study: 2001
These studies were followed up withan additional study to consider possible elements of a future space segment for an operational, service oriented, European space weather system. The study was carried out using ESA's Concurrent Design Facility (CDF). It's main starting points were the space and ground segment recommendations proposed by the two consortia taking part in the feasibility studies.