Archive of Geomagnetic and Solar Indices for Drag Calculation
Welcome to the Space Surveillance and Tracking - Archive of geomagnetic and solar indices for drag calculation service
The service archive of geomagnetic and solar indices for drag calculation is providing the user with values that the service extracts from the database of past values of solar and geomagnetic indices relevant to drag calculation. This includes the following indices:
- geomagnetic indices ( Kp, Ap, Hp30, ap30, Hp60, ap60, Dst),
- solar indices (R, F10.7, F30, S10, E10, M10, Y10) and
- other indices (IG12, IMF).
This service addresses the specific needs of users in the Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) domain. The database is designed such that automatic access of applications in the SST domain is allowed, which can download requested indices in different specified formats.
Next to the database tool, also other sources of indices are offered through this service.
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Products and Alerts
The following products are associated with this service:Products
Solar activity indices, archives and reconstruction
International Sunspot number
10.7cm Solar Radio Flux (F10.7)
Solar EUV Index (S10.7)
Solar EUV Index (E10.7)
No product available in this category yet
Solar FUV Index (M10.7)
Solar X-ray & UV Index (Y10.7)
Geomagnetic activity indices, archives and reconstruction
Geomagnetic Indices Kp and K
- Automated Multi Dataset Analysis (AMDA)
- Kp, K, Ap, A, Dst archives on SEDAT
- Kp - planetary three-hour magnetic index archive
- 3-hourly K index: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir, Hartland
- 3-hourly Kp index
- 3-hourly K(GBI) index
- K-index from magnetometer stations in north Europe
- Most recent definitive Kp index
- Kp and Ap index on tabular form
- Kp and Ap index archive
- Hp60 and ap60 index in tabular form
- Hp60 and ap60 index archive
- Hp30 and ap30 index in tabular form
- Hp30 and ap30 index archive
- SIDC 3-day K-Belgium forecast archive
Geomagnetic Index Ap and A
- Automated Multi Dataset Analysis (AMDA)
- Kp, K, Ap, A, Dst archives on SEDAT
- Ap - planetary daily magnetic index archive
- 3-hourly aa index
- 3-hourly ap index
- Daily Aa index
- Daily Ap index
- Most recent definitive Kp index
- Kp and Ap index on tabular form
- Kp and Ap index archive
- Hp60 and ap60 index in tabular form
- Hp60 and ap60 index archive
- Hp30 and ap30 index in tabular form
- Hp30 and ap30 index archive
Geomagnetic Index Dst
- Automated Multi Dataset Analysis (AMDA)
- Kp, K, Ap, A, Dst archives on SEDAT
- Dst - Disturbance storm time index archive
Other indices,archives and reconstruction
Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
Ionospheric Index (IG12)
User Manual
Currently this service provides the following indices:
- Daily Total Sunspot Number
- Daily Observed Flux Density: The 10.7cm Solar Flux is a measurement of the integrated emission at 10.7cm wavelength from all sources present on the disc.
- Daily Observed Flux Density Adjusted (Flux Density Adjusted for 1 A.U.)
- Daily Observed Flux Density URSI (URSI Series D Flux, Adj. x 0.9)
- S10.7 index: S10.7 index is an activity indicator of the integrated 26–34 nm solar irradiance measured by the Solar Extreme-ultraviolet Monitor (SEM) instrument on the NASA/ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) satellite.
- M10.7 index: The M10.7 index is derived from the Mg II core-to-wing ratio that originated from the NOAA series operational satellites, e.g., NOAA-16,-17,-18, which host the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) spectrometer.
- Y10.7 index: A composite solar index of the Xb10 index, Lyman-α emission and 81-day cantered smoothed F10.7. Xb10 index and is used to represent the daily energy that is deposited into the mesosphere and lower thermosphere.
- F30 index: The F30 is the Solar Flux measured by the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, which performs daily measurements of the 30 cm radio flux on an operational 7/365 basis.
- Definitive Kp index: The global Kp index is obtained as the mean value of the disturbance levels in the two horizontal field components, observed at 13 selected, subauroral stations.
- Definitive Ap index: The geomagnetic Ap index is derived from the Kp index by averaging the eight values of ap for each day.
- Hpo indices: high cadence, open-ended Hpo indices is similar to the Kp index, but have a time resolution of 30 and 60 minutes, called the Hp30 and Hp60, respectively.
- Final Dst index: The Dst index is an index of magnetic activity derived from a network of near-equatorial geomagnetic observatories that measure the intensity of the globally symmetrical equatorial electrojet.
- Provisional Dst index
- IG12 - 12-month-running mean of the ionospheric IG final index: The IG index of solar activity are derived from the monthly median noon foF2 data available from the following thirteen ionospheric observatories. IG12 is 12-month-running mean of the ionospheric IG index.
- IG12 – provisional
- Aa_daily index: The daily Aa index is the daily average of eight aa values. Index aa is derived from the K indices measured at two antipodal observatories.
- Total IMF: The magnetic field carried with the solar wind.
- IMF Bx: X- component of the magnetic field carried with the solar wind.
- IMF By: Y-component of the magnetic field carried with the solar wind.
- IMF Bz: Z-component of the magnetic field carried with the solar wind.