Forecast of the 30-minute maximum of horizontal|dB/dt| with lead times between 20 to 80 minutes depending on solar wind speed.
Near-real-time map of the Total Electron Content (TEC) for the European region. It is generated from GNSS data streams which are assimilated into the Neustrelitz TEC Model NTCM-EU, which is a regional TEC model for Europe.
Level 2 daily averaged high energy electron integral flux measurements at GEO from EDRS-C/NGRM. The latest 6 hours and the latest 14 days data are provided as JSON files. Interactive plots of the latest 14 days are provided. Data of the last day correspond to the last 24 hours and are updated in near-real-time.
AVIDOS 3.1 is an informational and educational online software for an assessment of cosmic radiation exposure of passengers and aircrew at civil flight altitudes. AVIDOS 3.1 estimates current and future radiation doses due to Galactic Cosmic Radiation and attempts to nowcast radiation exposure due to Solar Energetic Particle events.
This product shows the 3-hourly nowcast Kp index of global geomagnetic activity during the present UTC day as a bar plot. The height of the bar(s) corresponds to the index value (0 to 9) and the colour represents the geomagnetic activity level (low - green (Kp < 3.3), intermediate - yellow (3 < Kp < 6.3), high - red (Kp > 6)). A smaller version of this plot is given for the preceding 6 days. The nowcast Kp values are calculated at GFZ from near real-time geomagnetic observatory data provided by the contributing observatories. Nowcast values of Kp are typically made available at the end of the measurement interval.
The High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis (HESPERIA) UMASEP-500 model makes a lag-correlation of solar electromagnetic flux with the particle flux at near-earth. If the correlation is high, the model infers that there is a magnetic connection through which particles are arriving. If, additionally, the intensity of the flux of the associated solar event is also high, then the HESPERIA UMASEP-500 scheme issues a > 500 MeV SEP prediction.
EUHFORIA (v 1.0.3) is a 3D MHD heliosphere model that propagates near-Sun solar wind properties and transient related to CME events out into the heliosphere. This product makes use of the version of EUHFORIA that is installed and accessible via the Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre VSWMC as described in S. Poedts, 2018. The product is generated on a daily schedule with the latest model results being presented to the user. The EUHFORIA product is run automatically each morning and makes use of the current published Enlil/E configuration available from UK Met Office at that time. This is the version of the product for target Earth. The product is currently considered a prototype and so is only accessible via the H-ESC home page.
The forecaster on duty at the SIDC produces each day (nominal issuetime 12:30UT) a probabilistic forecast for the occurrence of X-ray flares over the next 24h time span. Probabilities are provided for flare classes C, M and X separately. A full disc as well as an active region specific forecast is provided where region identification schemes of both NOAA and Catania Observatory are being considered. The forecast is based on a combination of statistical techniques based on the active region properties and expert judgement on the evolution of active regions on the solar disc including regions rotating onto or off the disc.
At Kanzelhöhe Observatory the chromosphere is observed in Hα every day from about 8:00 to 16:00 CET/CEST (when the weather is sufficiently clear). A light curve is determined using the brightness of those recorded images. A plot showing the Hα light curves is provided here in near real-time, and updated every 2 minutes. When a solar flare occurs in the solar chromosphere, a spike is visible on the curves nearly simultaneously. The brightness increase can be several times higher than the quiet chromosphere brightness level. The 360 degrees panoramic view shows the actual weather conditions at the observatory.
This service allows the user to display solar features (such as sunspot groups, coronal holes, filaments, flares, and coronal mass ejections) on the solar disc. The user can select features and navigate back and forth in time: the closest available observations and images will be displayed. A Heliocentric Earth equatorial (HEEQ) grid of 15 degrees can also be added to refine the feature location on the surface. Additional characteristics of the features (such as time of observation, coordinates of the specified locations, etc.) are also indicated. Additionally, the user can overplot specific locations of interest onto the solar disc. A viewpoint other than Earth can also be specified from a pre-defined list of planetary and spacecraft locations.
Welcome to the ESA Space Weather Service NetworkPlease note that all ESA-SWE Services are under review/construction
Welcome to the ESA Space Weather Service Network
Please note that all ESA-SWE Services are under review/construction
Current Space Weather
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