ESA Space Weather Data

ESA Space Weather Data

Space Weather Monitoring

ESA is implementing an enhanced space weather monitoring system, consisting of missions to observe the Sun and interplanetary medium for forecasting space weather, such as Vigil, and missions to nowcast the current conditions and observe space weather effects, such as the Distributed Space Weather Sensor System (D3S).

While many dedicated ESA space weather missions are in planning (Vigil, Aurora, Space Weather Nanosats), several hosted payload missions are already in operation and providing data. ESA is also providing ground based space weather measurements with additional data sources in preparation.

SWE Data


The Service Oriented Spacecraft Magnetometer (SOSMAG) was ESA's first Space Weather hosted payload to be launched in 2018. It is hosted on the Korea Geokompsat-2A satellite at 128 degree East and provides local magnetospheric magnetic field vector measurements with 1 second cadence. Data is typically made available within 5 minutes of recording.


The Next Generation Radiation Monitor (NGRM) is currently in operation on several satellites. It was launched onboard EDRS-C in 2019 and Sentinel-6 in 2020. The instrument provides electron and proton fluxes with energies ranging 0.2 - 4 MeV and 5-75 MeV, respectively. The data cadence is 1 minute for EDRS-C and 15 seconds for Sentinel-6. It is typically made available within 10 minutes of recording for EDRS-C and 2 hours for Sentinel-6. NGRM was also launched on Meteosat-12, and data will become available soon. Further flights are planned on all Meteosat Third Generation and Metop Second Generation missions.


The ICARE-NG radiation monitor was launched on the twin HOTBIRD 13F&G satellites to GEO at 13 degree East where it arrived in 2023. The instrument provides electron and proton fluxes with energies ranging 0.6 - 2 MeV and 15 – 100 MeV, respectively. The data has a cadence of 32 seconds and is typically made available within 5 minutes of recording.


The MAG-SWE-DAN Network consists of 10 geomagnetic variometer stations located in Sweden, Denmark, and Greenland, operated and maintained by the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) as part of ESA's Space Weather Service Network. The data, of each station, is provided as 3-axis vector of magnetic field (B) in nT following the north-east-down (NED) system with the Cartesian coordinates (X North, Y East, Z Down). The data has cadence of 1 second and it is provided with an approximatively 5-minute latency.

Note: Dataset updates

SOSMAG-GK2A, EDRS-C/NGRM, and Sentinel-6-MF/NGRM datasets in both the SWE Data Browser and HAPI have new names and identifiers. The new dataset names are grouped into the D3S repository and follow the D3S naming scheme. Please move to using the new datasets as the old datasets are deprecated and will be decommissioned with Portal release 3.13. Until then, both the old and the new datasets provide the exact same data.

Please find all details on the renaming of SOSMAG-GK2A datasets on the SOSMAG page.
Please find all details on the renaming of EDRS-C/NGRM, and Sentinel-6-MF/NGRM datasets on the NGRM page.