Spacecraft Design Services


Spacecraft need to be designed optimally to withstand the harsh environments in which they are expected to function for up to 20 years. Both cumulative effects over the planned lifetime and the short-term effects of single events need to be considered. New technologies may be found to be particularly vulnerable to Space Weather hazards so it is important to characterise them as completely as possible, utilising environment and effects tools to complement experimental work and testing.


Environment Specification: Data Archive Provides statistical data to derive environments and effects on space systems.
Environment Specification: In-orbit Verification Provides estimate of the environment and its effects actually experienced.
Post-Event Analysis Provides means to correlate a particular (spacecraft) event with space environment data.
Space Weather in the Solar System Provides information supporting the specification and design of spacecraft that will operate within the heliospheric domain.

Overall hazards from the space environment (© ESA/ESTEC/TEC-EES)