General Data Service Services


Space Weather data underpins all the services collected within the ESA-SWE element and their associated service products. Furthermore, data and modelling are the basis for better understanding the causes and effects of Space Weather events, and progress will lead to improved future services. The key data and data products within the domain are made available in order to support third party developments tailored to specific customers and also to support further research and modelling activities, leading to improved understanding of the physical processes underpinning space weather and ultimately better services.


Space weather data archive Archive of all data available via the SWE Network.
Latest data service Provides access to a set of high priority latest data included in the ESA SWE service network.
Space weather nowcast and forecast products (daily, weekly) Provides nowcast/forecast space weather parameters.
Event-based alarms Alarms on an as-needed basis (flare, CME, SPE, magnetic storm onset, meteoroid stream, etc). Incorporates relevant data and where feasible rapid model outputs indicating likely consequences (e.g. time of interplanetary shock reaching Earth). Agreed set of default alarms. Subscription service will allow for tailored automated alarms on a particular parameter/dataset.
Virtual space weather modelling system Under development.
Guaranteed data service for third-party/added-value service providers Under development.
Space Weather Support Material Under development.

Space weather effects (© ESA/Science Office, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO )