Non Space Systems Operation


The effects of Space Weather are not restricted to space-based systems. Diverse industries such as power distribution, resource exploitation and aviation can all be directly affected in various ways. All these industries have experienced Space Weather effects in the past. Singularly strong Space Weather conditions are beneficial to the tourism industry in the Northern region.


Service to power systems operators Nowcast and forecast GIC in power systems based on local magnetometer networks and solar wind data (in case of forecasts).
Service to pipeline operators Nowcast and forecast E field in vicinity of pipelines based on local magnetometer networks and solar wind data.
Service to airlines Global provision of data relating to increased radiation levels at aircraft altitudes and degraded communications, in particular for high-latitude routes.
Service to resource exploitation system operators Forecast and nowcast disturbed magnetic conditions in the vicinity of high latitude magnetometer stations, coupled with precise information on position (TIO services).
Service to auroral tourism sector Regional auroral forecast coupled with meteorological forecast (cloud cover) geared towards tourism sector.

Aurora borealis (© ESA)