SWEN Newsletter

Space Weather Euro News (SWEN) Newsletter

Space Weather Euro News (SWEN) is an initiative taken by the ESA Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section and is an electronic newsletter offering news of interest to the space weather community in Europe. Articles include information about events such as conferences and workshops, news about on-going research and new results, tender opportunities, offers and requests for services, employment and training opportunities, etc.

To subscribe to the newsletter send your email address to swen@esa.int

Contributions to SWEN are welcomed and should be sent to swen@esa.int

SWEN Archive

SWEN vol29 issue02 - 19th February 2025

Space Weather Euro News -- SWEN Vol. 29, Issue 2 (19th February 2025)

  1. ESA Project Scientist in Solar Physics working on Solar Orbiter and SOHO
  2. Job Opening: 3-year postdoc position in Mercury's space plasma physics, BepiColombo and simulations at FMI
  3. ESA Graduate Trainee in Jupiter Radiations Environment Model for JUICE Science Planning & Operations
  4. Second Announcement: NOW OPEN - European Space Weather Week 2025 Call for Convening Sessions and Discussion Meetings, 27th - 31st October 2025, Umeå, Sweden
  5. Registration Open for Applied Space Environments Conference (ASEC), 5th - 9th May 2025 in League City, TX, U.S.A
  6. Second Announcement: Course on “Cross-scale coupling of Heliophysics Systems”, 12th - 16th May 2025, L’Aquila, Italy
  7. First Announcement: Space Environment Monitoring Workshop 2025 (SPACEMON 2025) - Registration and Call for Abstracts now open
  8. Open access book "Space weather and space climate : a timeline"
  9. Topical Issues of the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) open for submissions
  10. Open ESA Invitations to Tender (ITTs)


1. ESA Project Scientist in Solar Physics working on Solar Orbiter and SOHO

From: Jörn Helbert

The European Space Agency (ESA) maintains a world-leading Science programme spanning heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics and fundamental physics. The Science Engagement and Oversight Office (SCI-E) oversees the scientific content of the Science programme and provides scientific expertise to Science missions, across all phases, from studies to operations and beyond. The Office also manages engagement, communication and education efforts for the Directorate of Science, with the aim of ensuring that external stakeholders are informed, engaged and inspired.

ESA is recruiting a Solar Physicist at ESA on a staff position to work either at European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, Netherlands or at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain.

The successful candidate will initially work on the Solar Orbiter and SOHO missions supporting the science coordination of multi-mission/observatory campaigns involving Solar Orbiter, and working with the SOHO Principal Investigator teams to ensure the scientific legacy of this mission. In addition, it is expected that the successful candidate will actively pursue scientific research, preferably in solar physics, and to participate in the research activities of ESA’s Science Directorate.

ESA is committed to maintaining a balanced workforce across the member states.

More information, as well as the link to apply for the position, can be found here:

The closing date for applications is 4th March 2025 at 23:59 CET/CEST.

2. Job Opening: 3-year postdoc position in Mercury's space plasma physics, BepiColombo and simulations at FMI

A recruitment is open for a 3-year postdoctoral researcher position in the "Mercury in the solar wind" ERC (European Research Council) project at the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The postdoc will apply our global particle-based models to study the solar wind influence on Mercury and its environment and interpret observations from the BepiColombo mission.

More information and apply here:

Project team website:

3. ESA Graduate Trainee in Jupiter Radiations Environment Model for JUICE Science Planning & Operations

The European Space Agency (ESA) maintains a world-leading Science Programme with missions in heliophysics, planetary science, astrophysics and fundamental physics. Its mission is to 'Empower Europe to lead space science'. The Department for Science Operations and Office for Science Engagement and Oversight host together the scientists and engineers that oversee the space missions, from study to end of operations. It defines and develops the science operation systems for the missions and operates the missions in space, as well as archiving and curating their data during operations and beyond. The main objective is to maximise the scientific output of ESA's space science missions for the benefit of humankind.

The Jupiter Icy moon Explorer (JUICE) is the first large-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme. Launched in 2023 and planned to arrive at Jupiter in 2031, it will spend at least four years making detailed observations of Jupiter and three of its largest moons, Ganymede, Callisto and Europa.

Scientific space missions encompass many technical challenges, one of which being the radiation environment. The space environment around Jupiter that the JUICE mission will encounter is one of the harshest in the solar system. Very high energy particles are trapped in the magnetosphere and can degrade the mission performances. This aspect needs to be carefully considered during each phase of the project and have multiple impacts on the mission design: spacecraft and instrument shielding, adjusted trajectory to limit the radiation dose over the course of the mission, adapted payload operations to protect the instruments when needed. An updated radiation model will be available in 2025.

The goal of this project is to use the latest model of the Jupiter radiation environment to support the selection of the JUICE trajectory and to prepare the future science operations planning. More information, as well as the link to apply for the position, can be found here:

The closing date for applications is 28th February 2025 at 23:59 CET/CEST.

The post will be based at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, Netherlands

Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit the ESA website:

4. Second Announcement: NOW OPEN - European Space Weather Week 2025 Call for Convening Sessions and Discussion Meetings, 27th - 31st October 2025, Umeå, Sweden

From: Piers Jiggens and Audrey Schillings

European Space Weather Week (ESWW) 2025 will be held in Umeå, Sweden from 27th - 31st October in a hybrid format. The overarching theme for ESWW2025 is ‘Technological expansion of the Arctic: the new frontiers of space weather’.

The ESWW conference is an excellent opportunity for people from all over the world to gather and discuss the most recent insights in space weather and space climate, and to address the emerging challenges and impacts. Science, observations, data exploitation, data standards and metadata, service development, operational models, engineering and industrial needs are all important aspects of the field that are addressed.

One of the strengths of ESWW is that participants can contribute significantly to its content through Parallel Sessions, Plenary Sessions and Topical Discussion Meetings (TDMs). The ESWW Programme Committee (PC) and Local Organising Committee (LOC) are pleased to announce that the call for the convening of these sessions is now open with the following closing dates:
Plenary and Parallel Sessions - 21st March 2025
Topical Discussion Meetings (TDMs)- 4th April 2025

A short synopsis of each element is given below. More information is available on the ESWW2025 website:

This year the ESWW organisers are using an instance of the Indico system provided by E-SWAN (the European Space Weather and space climate AssociatioN):

Those submitting proposals will first need to register on the Indico system before they can submit a session/TDM proposal. Each user can submit one proposal in each category; plenaries, parallel sessions and TDMs. Individuals can be conveners on more than one proposal of any given type but should have another convener make the submission in case they have already made another one. If this is not possible they should contact the ESWW2025 LOC:
esww2025.loc - at - gmail.com

Topical Discussion Meetings

Topical Discussion Meetings (TDMs) are an important component of the European Space Weather Week (ESWW) – a format meant to facilitate engaging debates within the heliospheric, and space weather and space climate communities. These meetings provide the opportunity for interested participants to address key issues in a community forum style that complements the conference sessions. Potential conveners must describe in dedicated fields of the proposal form the target community, the expected outcome of the meeting, and its potential impact. After the selection of the proposed TDMs is made, the proposers will be informed within Q2 of 2025.

Plenary Sessions (New format proposed!)

This year, the ESWW will host four plenary sessions.

* Two plenary sessions will feature distinguished presentations proposed by the convenors of parallel sessions. These plenaries will promote parallel sessions to a broader audience. As such these sessions are not part of the call for conveners.

* The other two plenary sessions will be dedicated to topics proposed by the community. Here, the community is invited to submit proposals to convene. Proposals are sought that are engaging, of a particularly high-standard, relevant to the broader space weather and space climate community, and designed to stimulate discussion and debate. Topics to be covered may encompass one or more of the following areas (interdisciplinary topics are encouraged): the ESWW2025 theme, “Technological expansion of the Arctic: the new frontiers of space weather”, policy, end-user needs, end-user applications, transversal or inter-domain connections, instrumentation, observations, extension/improvement of ground-based instrumentation, new missions, R2O2R, modelling, data analysis techniques, space climate, or other subjects with broad appeal.

Parallel Sessions

Those interested in convening a parallel session at ESWW2025 may submit a proposal in one of the following four formats:
1. Parallel Space Weather Research (SWR) session
2. Parallel 100% Community-Driven (100CD) session
3. Parallel Application Pipeline (APL) session
4. Open Parallel Session (OPS) - only conveners no session abstract

Those submitting a proposal for a SWR session will need to select from one of the following six topics:
SWR1 – Solar atmosphere processes as drivers of space weather phenomena
SWR2 – Coronal Mass Ejections, Shock Waves and Energetic Particles
SWR3 – Inner Magnetospheric Dynamics and Coupling Processes
SWR4 – Interactions in the Earth’s Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System and their Space Weather Impact
SWR5 – Advancements in Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs): Simulation, Monitoring, and Mitigation Strategies
SWR6 - Space Climate

Those submitting a proposal for a 100CD session have the freedom to choose the title and the research topic. In the session description, the motivation for proposing the research topic and the reason the topic is relevant for this year should be provided in one or two sentences. Proposals related to intense space weather events are encouraged.

Those submitting a proposal for an APL session must propose a topic covering research, development and implementation of different application pipelines. Examples of possible (components of) pipelines include:
- Data preparation to be used in the product pipeline
- Forecasting tools: presentation and demonstration
- 3D visualization tools for space weather from Sun to Earth
- All sorts of propagation tools
- Tools for the solar wind/flux rope/Stream Interaction Region (SIR) interaction with the magnetosphere
- Space weather services, tools, monitoring, and alerts for end-users
- Application of the AI methods into the product pipeline

A single OPS session is intended for which one can only propose a team of conveners to lead the session. The team should be formed keeping diversity in mind. One of the PC members will join the team to offer support for this session.

5. Registration Open for Applied Space Environments Conference (ASEC), 5th - 9th May 2025 in League City, TX, U.S.A

From:Linda Parker

We are pleased to announce that Registration is now open for Applied Space Environments Conference (ASEC) which will be held on 5th - 9th May 2025 in League City, Texas.

The venue is the South Shore Harbor Resort for which the Hotel government rate room block – ASEC2025 - is:

Additional information as it becomes available, will be posted to the Conference website:

Early Registration (by 14th April): $600 (Regular) - $425 (Student)
Late Registration (after 14th April): $700 (Regular) - $525 (Student)

ASEC Abstract Submission is open via the following link:
Abstract submission deadline is 7th March 2025.

Topics for the conference include: lunar environments, radiation environments and modelling, spacecraft charging, testing and instrumentation, space weather environments, meteoroids and orbital debris, materials in space, and current and future missions. However, those with an ASEC abstract that does not seem to fall in the listed topics should submit anyway and the Science Organizing Committee will evaluate it.

6. Second Announcement: Course on “Cross-scale coupling of Heliophysics Systems”, 12th - 16th May 2025, L’Aquila, Italy

From: Simone Di Matteo

A Course on “Cross-scale coupling of Heliophysics Systems”, directed by Prof. Ioannis Daglis (University of Athens, Greece), Simone Di Matteo (Catholic University of America; NASA – Goddard Space Flight Center, USA), and Marco Romoli (University of Florence, Italy) will be held in L’Aquila, Italy from 12th - 16th May 2025. The course is organized in cooperation with the Consorzio “Area di Ricerca in Astrogeofisica”.

The school will serve as a comprehensive introduction to the emerging need to understand the inter-connectivity of heliophysics systems mediated through cross-scale processes. The lectures will cover the main heliophysics regions discussing the corresponding macro (system size) scales, micro (kinetic) scales, and the mesoscale processes mediating cross-scale coupling, as well as discuss the interconnection between the different systems. This course aims at providing an overview of cutting-edge fundamental research of “system of systems” phenomena in heliophysics in terms of observations and modelling capabilities. A particular section will be dedicated to highlighting the current coordination and networking efforts among the international community on this topic.

This school is addressed to graduate students, young scientists as well as undergraduates in heliophysics, space plasma physics, planetary sciences, or related fields. Early-career stage professionals are invited to apply as well.

Applications are due before 16th March 2025

Applications will be evaluated by the Board of Directors of the School, after which all applicants will be notified by e-mail. The registration fee of 1000 Euros includes board and lodging. The payment conditions will be communicated via email to applicants who receive positive evaluation.

For further information visit:
or send an e-mail to:
info - at - astrogeofisica.it

7. First Announcement: Space Environment Monitoring Workshop 2025 (SPACEMON 2025) - Registration and Call for Abstracts now open

From: Marco Vuolo

The ESA Space Environments and Effects section (TEC-EPS), the Space Safety Programme (S2P) and the Space Environments and Effects Network of Technical Competences (SEENoTC) invites participants to the Space Environment Monitoring Workshop to be held at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands) on 11th - 13th June 2025.

Registration and info available on the webpage:

The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss the current research and developments in the areas of space radiation, plasma, electromagnetic fields, dust, micro-particle and atomic species monitoring for space environment monitoring. This includes exploitation of in-flight data to feed back lessons learned into ongoing and future monitor developments.

The tentative session overview is as follows:
- Agency Overview and Flight Opportunities
- Radiation Monitors and exploitation of data
- Plasma Monitors and exploitation of data
- Micro-particle Detectors, Dust detectors, Magnetometers, Atomic Oxygen sensors and their data usage.

8. Open access book "Space weather and space climate : a timeline"

From: Jean Lilensten and Jaroslav Urbář

An open access book "Space weather and space climate : a timeline" has now been released. Written by a dozen of the world's leading specialists in this field, this book approaches the topics first from a historical perspective. Indeed, at the beginning of the 20th century, it was admitted that our atmosphere could not extend beyond a few tens of kilometres. Shortly after the midst of that same century, it was understood that the Earth is surrounded by a complex and rich plasma environment, conditioned by solar activity, extending over several tens of thousands of kilometres. Today, we know that our planet's boundaries extend far into the solar system. This book tells the story of this conceptual revolution, perhaps as important as the Copernican one. It also reveals the impact that solar activity is having on our technological societies, from the most beautiful to the most fearsome: Polar auroras and northern tourism, power and communications cuts, positioning degradations, aircraft
losing contact with control towers, astronauts under threat, space debris, etc. The book presents, in a clear and educational way, this new and exciting discipline: space weather and space climate, its physics, its instruments, its methods, from modelling to artificial intelligence, its forecasting centres.

Published by EDPS, it is freely downloadable at https://laboutique.edpsciences.fr/produit/1448/9782759836116/space-weather-and-space-climate

Funded by the European Space weather and Space Climate Association (E-SWAN), this book is the tribute to the lovers of space and nature.

9. Topical Issues of the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (JSWSC) open for submissions

From: Natalie Krivova

"Severe Space Weather Events of May 2024 and Their Impacts", deadline 30 April 2025
Topical Editor-in-Chief (T-EiC): Jaroslav Urbář (urbar - at - ufa.cas.cz)

"Swarm 10-Year Anniversary”, deadline 15 April 2025
Topical Editor-in-Chief (T-EiC): Georgios Balasis (gbalasis - at - noa.gr)

"Fast and slow solar winds: Origin, evolution and Space Weather effects", deadline 31 May 2025
Topical Editors-in-Chief (T-EiC): Stephan G. Heinemann (stephan.heinemann - at - helsinki.fi), Mateja Dumbovič (mateja.dumbovic - at - geof.unizg.hr)

Details can be found under https://www.swsc-journal.org/topical-issues-open-for-submission

* Those with ideas for and energy to organise and lead a Topical Issue on the topic of your interest and within the scope of JSWSC, should feel free to contact JSWSC editorial office and Editors-in-Chief (jswsc - at - edpsciences.org).

10. Open ESA Invitations to Tender (ITTs)


Selected open invitations to tender (https://esastar-publication-ext.sso.esa.int/):

(Open Date: 06/02/2025 10:02 CET; Closing Date: 04/04/2025 13:00 CET)

(Open Date: 18/02/2025 11:16 CET; Closing Date: 25/03/2025 13:00 CET)

(Open Date: 13/02/2025 15:28 CET; Closing Date: 27/03/2025 13:00 CET)

(Open Date: 11/02/2025 16:05 CET; Closing Date: 25/03/2025 13:00 CET)

Note: This newsletter is an initiative of the ESA Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section (http://space-env.esa.int) and is intended to provide a forum for information posting news of interest to the Space Weather community in Europe.

- SWEN contact group (keeping SWEN informed of news from other channels) is currently:

Rumi Nakamura Austrian Academy of Sciences
Natalie Krivova E-SWAN publication committee, Editor-in-Chief J. Space Weather Space Climate
Volker Bothmer University of Göttingen
Jinbin Cao Chinese Space Weather Activity Representative
Petteri Nieminen ESA Technology, Engineering and Quality Directorate
Maurizio Candidi IAPS/INAF - Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Olga Malandraki EGU - Solar-Terrestrial Sciences Division President
Mike Hapgood Space Science Department, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)
John Manuel Solar-Terrestrial Sciences, Canadian Space Agency
Henrik Lundstedt Lund space weather center
Matthew Taylor ESA Science programme
Eric Adamson NOAA Space Weather Prediction Centre
Amsif Kader CNES Programme Directorate
Anders Tjulin EISCAT Scientific Association
Juha-Pekka Luntama ESA Space Safety Office
Mario Bisi Space Weather Working Team Chair

- SWEN archives are currently available on:


- Contributions to this newsletter are welcomed and should be sent to:

swen - at - esa.int

- To subscribe to the newsletter send your email address to:

swen - at - esa.int

- Please update your e-mail address in the event of a change.
Please send both your new and old e-mail addresses to the editor to ease updating of your file.

- All email addresses in this newsletter should have ' - at - ' replaced with the '@' sign to be made useable.
We take the precaution of including them in this format to avoid our contributors receiving unwanted spam.

- We look forward to receiving your input!

SWEN editor : Piers Jiggens
SWEN manager: Alain Hilgers

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