Spacecraft Operation Services


Spacecraft operations are by nature complex and every satellite's operational environment poses a range of potential risks, often a unique combination for a given orbit. The implications of interruptions of operations, data transfer and service provision, are serious, both in terms of cost and capability, thus it is imperative to mitigate against all operational risks to the fullest possible extent.


In-orbit environment and effects monitoring Provides a near real-time estimate of the environment and its effects actually experienced.
Post-event analysis Provides means to correlate a particular (spacecraft) event with space environment data.
In-orbit environment and effects forecast Provides forecast of the environment and of its effects.
Mission risk analysis Supports mission risk analysis based on expected space environment conditions and mission susceptibility assessment
Space Weather in the Solar System Provides forecasts, nowcasts and alerts of heliospheric weather phenomena in order to support solar system mission operators.

Flux of protons with energy greater than 10 MeV at 500 km altitude based on the NASA model AP-8 MAX. (© ESA/BIRA-IASB)