The development of coordinated space weather applications
requires the establishment of new kinds of partnerships in R&D
between scientists, developers, service providers, service users
and funding agencies in order to coordinate activities that
traditionally fall within separate domains.
To this end ESA has recently embarked upon a 2 year pilot
project of space weather service development. The objective of the
Pilot Project for Space Weather Applications is to develop and
extend the space weather service user community through development
of targeted services, provided by a network of service providers
supported by a common infrastructure and using data from existing
sources. Through this service and community development a clear
long term view of the potential for space weather applications
shall be established together with clear understanding of the
associated economic and social benefits and the long term relevance
of these space weather services.
This workshop will bring together all participants from a
wide variety of domains, participating in the SWENET service
development network. It will also focus on the relationship with
space weather science initiatives.
The workshop is timed to coincide with completion of the
user requirements phase of the individual service development
activities and, as such, it is anticipated that this will form a
major topic of discussion.
Although those activities that are already members of the
SWENET network are expected to present their activities,
participation is not restricted to these groups and presentations
of other new and novel space weather services are welcome.
Discussion will also take place of the support requirements
for each service development activity and the ways in which the
SWENET network will function over the next year in order to best
support the development of these services.
Draft Agenda
AM Monday 3rd November
10:30-12:30 |
GIC SDA Groups Joint Discussion
Meeting. |
PM Monday 3rd November
14:00 |
Welcome |
Welcome and
Introduction to the pilot project - A. Hilgers
SWWT Overview and update - F. Lefeuvre |
14:30-16:05 |
Monitoring the
Sun-Earth System and New Data Sources |
Jean Lilensten |
14:30-14:45 |
Solar Influences Data Centre : A Partnership for Space Weather
P. Cugnon, R. Van der Linden, D. Berghmans, P. Vanlommel, E.
Robbrecht, F. Clette, A. Zhukov, L. Wauters, R. Warnant, C.
Bruyninx, H. Nebdi, J.-C. Jodogne, D. Heynderickx, K. Stegen, M.
Kruglanski, M. Roth, J. de Keyser, J.-P. Henry |
14:45-15:00 |
Solar Activity and
Geomagnetic Indices Forecast CLS Centre
A. Blusson |
15:00-15:15 |
Prediction of Space Weather Disturbances: What is needed?
R. Schwenn. |
15:15-15:30 |
SpW Data Products and Accessibility in the TSRS Coronal Radio
M. Messerotti, M. Iurcev, I. Coretti, S. Padovan, P. Zlobec |
15:30-15:45 |
use in Space Weather of new Geomagnetic Activity Indices Based on
Minute Values
M. Menvielle, C. Lathuillere, A. Blusson |
15:45-16:05 |
Posters (2 minute introductions) |
Use of PICARD Data for Space
J.-Y. Prado
Watcher using APS Detector on-board PROBA II, a new EUV imager for
solar monitoring.
D. Berghmans, J F Hochedez, J. M. Defise, J. H. Lecat, B. Nicula,
R. Van der Linden, A. Zhukov, F. Clette, R. Rochus, E. Mazy, T.
Thibert, P. Nicolosi, U. Schuehle
LYRA: the Solar
VUV Radiometer on-board PROBA II
J.-F. Hochedez, W. K. Schmutz, M. Nesladek, S. Koller, D.
Berghmans, A. Ben Moussa, J. H. Lecat, J. M. Defise, Y. Stockman,
L. Wauters, B. Nicula, S. Gissot, U. Schuehle, D. Gillotay, M.
Kretzchmar, H. Roth, E. Rozanov, C. Wehrli, I. Ruedi, R. Van der
Linden, A. Zhukov, F. Clette, M. d'Olieslaeger, J. Roggen, P.
A Planned Muon
Detector for Space Weather Storm Nowcast in Europe
F. Jansen, R. Hippler
The Plasma-wave
Complex of Scientific Instrumentation for Wave and Plasma
Parameter Measurements in the Frame of the Russian Segment of the
S. I. Klimov,V. E. korepanov, I. A. Dubrovolskyi, O. V.
Lapshinova, I. V. Sorokin, S. Belnaev, G. A. Stanev, K. Georgieva,
B. Kirov, M. P. Gough, H. S. C. K. Alleyne, M. Balikhin,K. Szego,
S. Szalai, J. Lichtenberger, Cs Ferencz, L. Bodnar, J. Juchiewicz,
H. Rothkaehl, K. Stasiewicz
Monitoring of
Electromagnetic and Plasma Parameters of "Space Weather"
on the Russian Segment of the ISS
A. V. Markov, A. A. Kuznetsov, I. V. Sorokin, O. V. Lapshinova, S.
I. Klimov
On the origin of
Interplanetary Disturbances Observed in the Vicinity of the Earth
N. Vilmer, M. Pick, R. Schwenn, P. Ballatore, J. P. Villain et al.
Solar Radio Outbursts
as Potential Radio Communications Jammers: Analysis of Selected
M. Messerotti, P. Zlobec, I. Coretti, M. Iurcev, S. Padovan
The European Grid of
Solar Observations (EGSO)
R. D. Bentley and the EGSO Consortium
The International
Service of Geomagnetic Indices (ISGI) WWW Homepage
J. Paris and M. Menvielle
Ap in Real-Time
E. Clarke, A. Thomson, H.-J. Linthe
16:05-16:20 |
coffee |
16:20-17:55 |
Space Weather
Effects on Ground Based Systems |
Chairperson: Risto Pirjola |
16:20-16:35 |
Time Forecast Service for Geomagnetically Induced Currents
IRF Lund |
16:35-16:50 |
GIC Simulator
D. H. Boteler, R. Pirjola, L. Marti |
16:50-17:05 |
Wind Monitoring and Induction Modelling for GICs
A. W. P. Thomson, E. Clarke, S. Reay, A. McKay |
17:05-17:20 |
Now! - A Service for the Finnish Pipeline Company
A. Pulkkinen, A. Vijanen, R. Pirjola, A. Malkki, K. Kauristie, K.
Pajunpaa, M. Kuitunen |
17:20-17:35 |
Geomagnetic Activity Forecast - User Specifications, Initial
Analysis and Modelling Results
J. Watermann, H. Gleisner, P. Stauning, T. Rasmussen, S. McCulloch |
17:35-17:50 |
Geomagnetic Indices Forecasting Tool
G. Consolini, E. Amata, I. Bertello, G. Pallocchia, M. F. Marcucci,
M. Candidi |
17:50-18:05 |
Weather Service for Pipeline Operations
L. Trichtchenko |
18:05 |
Posters (2 minute introduction) |
- Possible Space Weather
Influence on the Oil Production Activity in Azerbaijan
E. S. Babayev, A. Kh. Mirzajan-zadeh, A. A. Suleymanov, A. A.
18:30 |
welcome drink
AM Tuesday 4th November
8:30-10:00 |
Ionosphere Joint SDA Group
meeting |
8:30-10:00 |
Education, Outreach and Emerging
Markets Topical Group Meeting |
10:00-11:30 |
Space Weather
Effects with Atmospheric Links |
Chairperson: Annick Blusson |
10:00-10:15 |
maps over Europe
E. Jeansou |
10:15-10:30 |
Space Weather Induced
Thermospheric Disturbances
M. Menvielle, C. Lathuillere |
10:30-10:45 |
of GPS Data Products for Meteorological Services: User Requirements
and Initial Approach
P. Stauning, P. Hoffmeyer, G. B. Larsen and M. B. Soerensen |
10:45-11:00 |
Forecasting Solar and
Geomagnetic Activity for Atmospheric Density Models
A. Thomson |
11:00-11:10 |
Posters (2 minute introductions) |
Atmospheric and Space
Weather Systems Interaction
Y. M. Yampolski, L. N. Lytvynenko, K. M. Groves, V. Korepanov
of the Thermosphere on Electromagnetic Wave Propagation,
Application to GPS Signals
M. Barthelemy, J. Lilensten, P. Delorme, S. Samouillan
Classification of
SuperDARN radar Doppler Spectra: Application to the Determination
of Scintillation Regions
C. Hanuise and T. Dudoc de Wit
11:10-11:20 |
coffee |
11:30-13:00 |
Space Weather
Effects with Ionospheric Links |
Chairperson: Ljiljana Cander |
11:20-11:35 |
and History of the Effects of Ionospheric Scintillations on
J.-J. Valette, B. Nhun Fat, P. Yaya, F. Boucquaert, P.
Lassudrie-Duchesne, M. Chouffot, U. Hugentobler, C. Hanuise, J. L.
Issler, J. Lanciaux, R. Warnant |
11:35-11:50 |
of an Enhanced Daily Ionospheric Forecasting Service
N. Wheadon |
11:50-12:05 |
Indices Forecasting and Ionospheric Nowcasting Tools (GIFINT): Work
Package 200 : INT (Ionosphere Nowcasting Tool)
Bruno Zolesi, Ljiljana Cander, Anna Belehaki |
12:05-12:20 |
F. Dalla Vedova |
12:20-12:35 |
Current Developments in
SWIPPA: Space Weather Impact on Precise Positioning Applications of
N. Jakowski, S. Stankov, D. Klaehn, Y. Beniguel, J. Rueffer |
12:35-12:45 |
Posters (2 minute introductions) |
HF Waves and Energetic
Plasma Particle Monitoring as a Diagnostic Tool of Ionospheric
Plasma Disturbances
H. Rothkaehl, Z. Klos, O. Grigoryan, K. Kudela, M. Panasyuk, A.
Petrov, V. Sheveleva
Radio Communication Service
for Limited Area Purposes in RWC Warsaw
Z. Klos, I. Stanislawska, G. Juchnikowski
Radio Communications Research Unit at Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory (Demonstration only)
Lj. R. Cander |
12:45-14:45 |
lunch followed
by poster and service demonstration session |
In addition to poster viewing, the user
interface of the following services will be demonstrated during
this session:
- Auroras Now!
- The Trieste Solar Radio System
- SWIPPA: Space Weather Impact on Precise Positioning
- The Solar Influences Data Centre
- Radio Communications Research Unit of RAL
- EGSO: The European Grid of Solar Observatories
- SAAPS: Spacecraft Anomaly Analysis and Prediction System
14:45-16:10 |
Space Weather
Effects on Spacecraft and Aircraft |
Chairperson: Bryn Jones |
14:45-15:00 |
Weather Operational Airline Risks Service (SOARS)
R. D. Bentley, J. B. L.Jones |
15:00-15:15 |
Environment for Identification of Satellite Hit Anomalies (GEISHA)
S. Bourdarie, B. Huet, D. Boscher, R. Ecoffet and J. J. Valette |
15:15-15:30 |
Space Weather Service
S. Clucas, D. Rodgers, K. Hunter |
15:30-15:45 |
Environment and Information System (SEIS) for Mission Control
N. C. Vaiana |
15:45-16:00 |
Spacecraft Anomaly Analysis and Prediction System
P. Wintoft and L. Eliasson |
16:00-16:10 |
Posters (2 minute introductions) |
Solar Particle
Effects at Aircraft Altitude
C. Dyer, F. Lei, S. Clucas
Forecasting Energetic
Electron Flux at Geostationary Orbit
P. Wintoft, H. Lundstedt, L. Eliasson
Solar Energetic Particle
Events: Prediction, SOC and Turbulence
S. Gabriel
Proton Flux Prediction Model
at Earth Environment to E>10MeV
E. del Pozo Garcia, J. Valiente Marquez, I. T. R. Esnard
16:10-18:00 |
Outreach and Emerging Markets |
Chairperson: Norma Crosby |
16:10-16:20 |
N. Crosby |
16:20-16:35 |
AurorasNow! Nowcasting Service for Hotels in Finnish Lapland
A. Malkki, K. Kauristie, V. Tulkki, M. Anttila |
16:35-16:50 |
Space Weather: Education and
Public Outreach
H. Lundstedt, P. Wintoft, M. Wik, I. Kronfeldt |
16:50-17:05 |
Current and Future Activities
on Space Weather Education and Outreach in Europe
F. Jansen |
17:05-17:20 |
SOHO Mission: Promoting Space Weather to the Public
P. Brekke |
17:20-17:35 |
Weather Effects on Human Health
J. B. L.Jones |
17:35-17:50 |
Relevance of Space Weather Effects to Medicine: Influences of
Altered Magnetic Fields on Biological and Clinical Phenomena.
S. Ghione, C. del Seppia, L. Mezzasalma, M. Messerotti |
17:50-18:00 |
Posters (2 minute introductions) |
Solar and Stellar
Space Weather and Space Climate: Relevant Issues in the Birth and
Evolution of Life?
M. Messerotti
Impact of Space Weather on
Human Electrical Resistivity
T. Gulyaeva
Space Weather Studies in
E. Babayev
Material: |
The Space Weather
CD-Rom and posters
F. Jansen |
SOHO Public Outreach
P. Brekke |
 |
18:00 Solarmax IMAX Presentation at
Omniversum, den Haag.
(Buses depart from ESCAPE at 18:00) |
AM Wednesday 5th November
09:30-13:00 |
Programmatics |
Chairperson: Francois Lefeuvre |
9:30-9:50 |
ESA and Space Weather
C. de Matos |
9:50-10:10 |
Weather Proposal for the EU-FP6 GMES-Call for Proposals
H. Lappalainen, K. Kauristie, R. Pirjola |
10:10-10:30 |
Activities at Space Environment Center
J. Kunches |
10:30-10:50 |
Living with a Star: Outline of Program and Update of European Plans
H. Opgenoorth and R. Marsden |
10:50-11:10 |
coffee |
11:10-11:30 |
724 on Space Weather - at the Edge of its Start
J. Lilensten |
Overview of the
EU COST 271 Action: Effects of the Upper Atmosphere on Terrestrial
and Earth Space Communications (EACOS)
B. Zolesi and Lj. R. Cander |
11:50-12:10 |
Weather and Climate in the Frame of the European Science
Foundation: E-STAR
J. Lilensten |
12:10-12:50 |
Concluding remarks and roadmap
A. Hilgers and F. Lefeuvre. |
PM Wednesday 5th November
SWWT Business
Meeting |
Important Dates
The abstract
submission deadline is the 15th September. Please send abstracts
via the linked web form to A.
Glover. |
Registration should
be completed before 20th October. The registration
form should be faxed to the ESTEC Conference
Bureau. |
All participants are
requested to provide an electronic copy of their presentation
material for publication on the ESA Space Weather website. |
Can be arranged via
the ESTEC conference bureau. Please complete
the hotel reservation form and fax to the
address below. |
Organising Committee
A. Hilgers
E. Daly
F. Lefeuvre
Conference Bureau P.O. Box 299 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands Fax: +31 (0)71-565 5658