ESA Workshop on Space Weather
11-13 November 1998
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Organised by the
ESA Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section (ESA TOS-EMA)
As space missions are becoming more technically sophisticated,
they are increasing in sensitivity to the space environment.
Modelling of the dynamics of the space environment with the use of
data, known as "Space Weather", is a rapidly growing field
world-wide. At the moment European Space Weather activities are
fragmented in different groups and European-wide initiatives are in
an embryonic state. Progress in space environment analysis is
expected from extensive collaborative efforts with near real-time
data from spacecraft, ground-based and theoretical simulations with
the aim of establishing predictive systems relating the cause (solar
activity) to the effect on technological systems and human activity.
At the same time it has become evident for the scientific community
that it also needs input from potential users of future Space Weather
As a support unit, ESA's Space Environments and Effects
Analysis Section is particularly concerned with how the Space Weather
concept can lead to products which enhance the performance and
reliability of space systems.
Workshop Goals, Topics and Organisation
Thus there are two goals of this Space Weather workshop. The
first one is to investigate at what stage the different European
groups are at and how best to co-ordinate efforts to provide the best
services for potential users. The other goal is to put together a
global picture concerning all scientific, technological, economical
and environmental issues concerning Space Weather with the emphasis
placed on defining potential user requirements of European Space
Weather services.
The workshop will be held in plenary sessions based on invited
talks and contributed posters covering a wide range of topics
relevant to Space Weather:
- Present and future User Requirements
(scientific,technical,commercial, business/insurance,..).
- Data availability (space-borne and ground-based).
- Definition of an ALERT situation (short-term, long-term
- Modelling of the space environment.
- Development of new procedures to protect against hazards in
- Co-ordination of different organisations to optimise
- What is the future for Space Weather research?
The first two days of this workshop will be held in plenary
sessions based on invited review talks and contributed posters. At
the end of the second day working groups will be formed and the final
day will be dedicated to these working groups (discussion in the
morning and a summary of the results presented in the afternoon).
The invited review talks, summaries of the working groups and
posters will be published in the proceedings. The proceedings will be
published within 2 months of the workshop.
Information to Authors
Authors are reminded to send in their paper before the
workshop to the conference secretariat or hand it over to the
registration desk during the workshop. Authors of review talks are
expected to submit a paper of maximum 8 pages A4. Poster authors are
allowed a maximum of 4 pages A4.
For more information concerning your submitted abstract, please see the Proceedings.
Scientific Advisory Committee
M. Candidi |
CNR-Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario,
Italy |
N. Crosby |
E. Daly |
R. Harboe Sørensen |
D. Heynderickx |
Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimte-Aëronomie, Belgium |
A. Hilgers |
B. Hultqvist |
International Space Science Institute, Switzerland |
A. Johnstone |
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, U.K. |
H. Koskinen |
University of Helsinki, Finland |
P. Lantos |
Observatoire de Meudon, France |
R. Lundin |
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden |
T. Moretto |
Danish Space Research Institute, Denmark |
U. Mortensen |
J.-Y. Prado |
CNES, France |
D.J. Rodgers |
DERA- Space Dept., U.K. |
T. Sanderson |
R. Schwenn |
Max-Planck-Institut fur Aeronomie, Germany |
Local Organising Committee
Space Environments and Effects Analysis Section WWW site: http://www.estec.esa.nl/wmwww/WMA/
Workshop Secretariat
ESTEC Conference Bureau
P.O.Box 299
2200 AG, Noordwijk, NL
Tel.: +31 71 5655005
Fax: +31 71 5655658 confburo@estec.esa.nl
Final Programme
Wednesday 11 November 1998
08:00 |
Registration in Conference Centre ESTEC |
Opening Session
09:00 |
Welcome and Opening Address
Specific interest of TOS-EMA to Space Weather (past problems with
ESA spacecraft) Eamonn Daly, ESA
Effects and Users
09:30 |
Effects on Spacecraft & Aircraft Electronics Clive Dyer (DERA- Space Dept. U.K.)
10:00 |
Orbit and Attitude Perturbations due to Aerodynamics and
Radiation Pressure Hans-Heinrich Klinkrad (ESA/ESOC)
10:30 |
Coffee break in poster room |
11:00 |
Electromagnetic Propagation (Alt, TEC) Nicolas Picot (CNES, France)
11:30 |
Power and Pipelines (Ground Systems) Risto Pirjola (FMI, Finland)
12:00 |
Biological (Space- and Air-borne) Güther Reitz (DLR/FF-ME, Abteilung Strahlenbiologie,
12:30 |
Cost and Insurance Aspects José Da Costa (CECAR & JUTHEAU, France)
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Presentation of posters relevant to "Effects and Users" |
Physical Processes/Presentation of Data
14:30 |
Solar Activity: Flares, CMEs, SEPs, CIRs, Solar Wind Nicole Vilmer (DASOP/Meudon Observatory, France)
15:00 |
Magnetospheric Electrodynamics: Energetic Particle
Signatures of Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms Tuija Pulkkinen (FMI, Finland)
15:30 |
Coffee break in poster room |
16:00 |
Radiation Belts Paul Buehler (PSI, Switzerland)
16:30 |
Cosmic Rays, Solar Protons in the Near-Earth Environment
and their Entry into the Magnetosphere Stephen Gabriel (University of Southampton, U.K.)
17:00 |
Presentation of posters relevant to "Physical
Processes/Presentation of data" |
Models and Data
17:30 |
Data Processing, Databases and Tools available: Present
and Future Daniel Heynderickx (BIRA/IASB, Belgium)
18:00 |
Cocktail in Noordwijk Space EXPO |
Thursday 12 November 1998
Models and Data (cont.)
09:00 |
Solar Corona and Solar Wind Structure and SPE Volker Bothmer, Extraterrestrische Physik, IEAP, Germany
09:30 |
Magnetosphere MHD Models and Kinetic Models including
Substorms and Radiation Belts (UCLA model, Salammbo, FMI model) Sebastien Bourdarie (ONERA-CERT, France)
10:00 |
Ionospheric Models including the Auroral Environment Ljiljana R Cander (CLRC RAL, U.K.)
10:30 |
Coffee break in poster room |
11:00 |
Analogue Models, Filters and Neural Networks in
Solar-Terrestrial Physics Henrik Lundstedt (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Lund,
11:30 |
Experimental Models of Effects Simulation Manola Romero (ONERA-CERT, France)
12:00 |
Presentation of posters relevant to "Models and Data" |
Various World Wide Space Weather Initiatives
12:30 |
ESA Report on Space Weather: Looking for the Role of ESA
on the International Space Weather Scene Hannu Koskinen (FMI, Finland)
12:45 |
Czech Republic Space Weather Initiatives Marian Karlicky (Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, Czech
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Danish Space Weather Initiatives Eigil Friis-Christensen (DSRI, Denmark)
14:15 |
Finnish Space Weather Initiatives Tuija Pulkkinen (FMI, Finland)
14:30 |
French Space Weather Initiatives Jacques Breton (CNES, France)
14:45 |
German Space Weather Initiatives Wolfgang Baumjohann (Max-Planck-Institut für
Extraterrestrische Physik, Germany)
15:00 |
Italian Space Weather Initiatives Maurizio Candidi (CNR-IFSI, Italy)
15:15 |
Norwegian Space Weather Initiatives Pal Brekke (Inst. of Theoretical Astrophysics, University
of Oslo, Norway)
15:30 |
Coffee break in poster room |
16:00 |
Russian Space Weather Initiatives |
16:15 |
Swedish Space Weather Initiatives Henrik Lundstedt (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Lund,
16:30 |
U.K. Space Weather Initiatives Andrew Coates (MSSL, U.K.)
16:45 |
AGONET and Space Weather Maurizio Candidi (CNR-IFSI, Italy)
17:00 |
Radiation Protection for International Space Station
Astronauts: Managing Exposures from Space Weather Events Michael Golightly (NASA/JSC, U.S.A.)
17:20 |
NOAA/SEC Report on Space Weather Ernest Hildner (NOAA/SEC, USA)
17:40 |
The International Space Environment Service (ISES) Richard Thompson (IPS Radio and Space Services, Australia)
18:00 |
Presentation of posters relevant to "Various World Wide
Space Weather Initiatives" |
18:30 |
Working Groups Introduction |
Friday 13 November 1998
9:00 |
Working Groups Discussion |
10:30 |
Coffee break in poster room |
11:00 |
Working Groups Discussion cont. |
13:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Working Groups Presentations |
15:30 |
Round Table and Open Discussion |
16:00 |
Conclusion and Announcement of Future Events |
Posters Session 1: Effects and Users
- Space Weather Effects Detected by GPS Based
TEC Monitoring
Jakowski, N.; Hocke, K.; Schlueter, S.; Heise, S.; DLR
Neustrelitz, Germany
- SPENVIS: The SPace ENVironment Information
Heynderickx, D.*; Quaghebeur, B.*; Fontaine, B.*; Glover,
A.****; Carey, W.C.***; Daly, E.J.**;
* BIRA/IASB, Belgium;** ESA ESTEC, The Netherlands;*** Logica SA/NV,
Belgium;**** Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Great Britain
- Monitoring Thermospheric Density Variations
with the CHAMP Satellite
Luehr, H.*; Reigber, C.*; Foerster, M.*; Koenig, R.*;
Namgaladze, A.**; Yurik, R.Y.**;
* GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany;** Murmansk State University
and Polar Geophys. Inst., Russia
- Primarily Flight Data Analysis of
Spacecraft Charging from DIERA Patrol System at "Express-11" and
"Gals-12"Russian Satellites
Guselnikov, V.*; Prokopiev, U.*; Grafodatsky, O.S.**;
* Novosibirsk State University, Russia;** NPO-PM, Russia;
- Prediction of Internal Dielectric Charging
Using The DICTAT Code
Rodgers, D.J.*; Ryden, K.A.*; Wrenn, G.L.*; Latham, P.M.*;
Sorensen, J.***; Levy, L.**;
* Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA), Great Britain;**
ONERA - DESP, France; *** ESA ESTEC, The Netherlands;**** T.S. Space
Systems, Great Britain
- Backscatter Occurrence Statistics from the
CUTLASS Radars as an Indicator of Space Weather Impact on High
Latitude HF Radio Propagation
Milan, S.E.; Lester, M.; Yeoman, T.K.; Thomas, E.C.;
University of Leicester, Great Britain
- A Comparison Between the Ariel 4 Ambient
Electron Densities and Ionospheric Critical Frequencies Over the
Cost 251: Iits Area
Tulunay, Y.*; Rothkaehl, H.**; Juchhykowsky, G.**;
Stanislawska, I.**;
* YTU Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Turkey; ** Space
Research Center PAS, Poland
- Plasmapheric Effects on the Gps System:
Modelling and Observation in UK
Lunt, N.*; Kersley, L.*; Bailey, G.J.**; Bishop, G.J.***;
* University of Wales, Great Britain; ** University of Sheffield,
Great Britain;*** Air Force Research Laboratory VSBP, United States
of America
- HF Radio Propagation at High Latitudes
Under Quiet and Disturbed Geomagnetic Conditions
Jacobsen, B.*; Jodalen, V.*; Cannon, P.**;
* Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, Norway;** DERA, Great
- Deep Dielectric Charging Specification
Fennell, J.F.; Koons, H.C.; Blake, J.B.; The Aerospace
Corporation, United States of America
- The ISO Detectors and the Space Radiation
Heras, A.M.*; Burgdorf, M.*; Castaneda, H.*; Claret, A.**;
Dzitko, H.**; Ewart, D.*; Gabriel, C.G.*;
* ISO ESA, Villafranca Spain;** CEA/DSM/DAPNIA/SAP, France;
- The MicroSatellite DEMETER
Parrot, M.; LPCE/CNRS, France
- Long-Term Data and Simulations on ISOCAM
Long-Wave Detector Glitches
Nieminen, P.; ESA ESTEC
Posters Session 2: Physical Processes/Presentation of Data
- SOHO LASCO and EIT -- A Space Weather
Forecasting Observatory
St. Cyr, O.C.; Howard, R.; Schwenn, R.; Brueckner, G.;
Gurman, J; Thompson, B.J.; Michels, D.J.; Plunkett, S.P.; Paswaters,
S.E.; and the LASCO and EIT teams; CPI/NRL, NASA GSFC, United States
of America
- On the Propagation of Halo CMEs Towards
Schwenn, R.; Srivastava, N.; Podlipnik, B.; Inhester, B.;
Stenborg, G.; Max-Planck-Institut f. Aeronomie, Germany
- Radial Evolution of a Coronal Mass Ejection
Manoharan, P.K.; Radio Astronomy Centre (TIFR), India
- A Study of Geoeffective CME's Observed by
LASCO on SOHO and Their Solar Origins
Srivastava, N.; Schwenn, R.; Stenborg, G.; Inhester, B.;
Podlipnik, B.; Max-Planck-Institut f. Aeronomie, Germany
- SuperDARN Radar Measurements of Ionospheric
Convection in the High Latitude Ionosphere
Provan, G.; Yeoman, T.K.; Lester, M.; University of
Leicester, Great Britain
- The Solar Surveillance Program at the
Kanzelhoehe Solar Observatory: New Facilities for High Speed Digital
Imaging and Dynamic Event Tracking
Messerotti, M.**; Otruba, W.***; Warmuth, A.*; Cacciani,
A.****; Moretti, Pietro****; Hanslmeier, A.*; Steinegger, M.*;
* Karl-Franzens Universitat Graz, Austria;**Astronomical
Observatory, Italy; *** Sonnenobservatorium Kanzelhoehe,
Austria;****University "La Sapienza", Italy
- Indexes of Cosmic Ray Disturbance as a
Reflection of the Situation in the Interplanetary Medium
Belov, A.V.*; Eroshenko, E.**; Klepach, E.*; Yanke, V.G.*;
* IZMIRAN Russian Academy of Science, Russia; ** Institute of
Terrestrial Magnetism, Russia
- Determination of the Solar UV Flux from
SOHO and EISCAT Measurements
Lilensten, J.*; Aboudarham, J.**;
* LIS-ENSIEG, France;** IAS, France
- Observation of Radiation-Belts and Cosmic
Rays with REM
Daly, E.J.*; Buehler, P.**; Zehnder, A.** ; Desorgher, L.**;
* ESA ESTEC, The Netherlands; ** Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI),
- Evolution of the Filament/CH/Magnetic Field
Ioshpa, B.; Mogilevsky, E.I.; Obridko, V.; IZMIRAN Russian
Academy of Science, Russia
- Cosmic Ray Event associated with the
January 10, 1997 Magnetic Storm
Storini, M.; Masseti, S.; Moreno, G.; Cordaro, E.G.;
- Solar Energetic Particle Events: A Tool to
Model Particle Fluxes
Lario, D.*; Sanahuja, B.**; Heras, A.M.*;
*ESA ESTEC, The Netherlands; ** Univ. Barcelona, Spain
- Solar Radia Imaging and Space Weather
Delouis, J.M.; Maia, D.; Kerdraon, A.; DASOP, France
- Monitoring of a shock wave propagation from
the solar atmosphere to the Earth
Mann, G.*; Aurass, H.*; Jansen, F.*; Thomson, B.**; Kaiser,
M.**; Grafe, A.***;
*Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, Germany; **NASA, USA;
***Observatory for Geomagnetism, Germany
Posters Session 3: Models and Data
- Preliminary Algorithm for Solar Proton Event
Parameters Prediction
Diaz, A.; Del Pozo, E.; Valiente, J.F.; Institute of
Geophysics and Astronomy, Cuba
- Forecasting the Earth's Radiation Belt's of
Energetic Electron Fluxes and Spectra
Mineev, Yu.V.; Moscow State University, Russia
- Solar Particle Event--Real Time (SPERT): a
Real-Time Solar Particle Event Exposure Analysis System
Golightly, M.*; Weyland, M.D.**; Lin, T.**;
*NASA Johnson Space Centre, United States of America; ** Lockheed
Martin, United States of America
- A New Method for On-Board Measurement of
Hot Magnetospheric Plasma at Geostationary Orbit
Danilov, V.V.; Dvoryashin, V.; Elgin, B.; Laptev, S.;
Krasnoyarsk State University, Russia
- Efficiency of Short-Term Prediction for the
Main Solar Flares on the Basis of Long-Period of Microwave Radio
Fridman, V.; Sheiner, O.; Radiophysical Research Institute,
- The Approach of Fuzzy Neural Networks For
Geomagnetic Storm Predictions
Andrejkova, G.*; Toth, H.*; Kudela, K.**;
* P.J. Safarik University, Slovakia; ** Institute of Experimental
Physics Slovak Academy, Slovakia
- Predictive Modelling of Outer Belt Electron
Smith, R.J.K.; Rodgers, D.J.; Defence Evaluation and
Research Agency (DERA), Great Britain
- The Geomagnetic Indices: Derivation,
Availability, Meaning, and Uses in Space Weather Studies
Menvielle, M.; ISGI, University of Paris, France
- The Role of Radio Tomography in Monitoring
the Near-Earth Space Environment
Mitchell, C.*; Kersley, L.*; Pryse, S.E.*; Walker, I.K.*;
Cannon, P.**;
*University of Wales, Great Britain;** DERA, Great Britain
- Forecasting of Radiation Conditions in the
Earth's Magnetosphere and in The Interplanetary Space
Pissarenko, N.F.; Moszhukhina, A.R.; Morozova, E.I.; Space
Research Institute, Russia
- Artificial Neural Network Applying for the
Space Radiation Environment Modelling and Forecasting
Dmitriev, V; Orlov, Y.; Persiantsev, I.G.; Suvorova, I.G.;
Veselovsky, I.; Moscow State University, Russia
- Near Real Time Forecasting of Dynamics of
Large Scale Magnetic Field Configurations from Magnetograph Data
Ponyavin, D.I.; University of St. Petersburg, Russia
- Real Time Space Weather Forecasting Based
on Feature-Based Pattern Recognition
Cargill, P.J.*; Chen, J.**; Palmadesso, P.J.**; Slinker,
* The Blackett Laboratory, Great Britain; ** U.S. Naval Research
Laboratory, United States of America
- Dynamic Modeling of the High Energy Proton
Boscher, D.*; Vacaresse, A.*; Bourdarie, S.*; Blanc, M.*;
Sauvaud, J-A.**;
* ONERA - DESP, France;** CESR/CNRS, France
- Physical Modeling of the Outer Belt High
Energy Electrons: the Dynamics of the Recyclying Process
Boscher, D.; Bourdarie, S.; Thorne, R.; Abel, B.; ONERA -
DESP, France
- Radiation Dosimetry Measurements in HEO
Blake, B.; Mazur, E.; The Aerospace Corporation, United
States of America
- Novel Non-Linear Techniques for Temporal
Predictions in Geophysical Time Series That Contain A Significant
Number of Data Drop Outs
Francis, N.M.*; Brown, A.*; Cannon, P.*; Broomhead, D.**;
* DERA, Great Britain;** UMIST, Great Britain
- Space Weather-Related Magnetospheric
Modeling at FMI/GEO
Janhunen, P.; Toivanen, P.K.; Pulkkinen, T.I.; Koskinen,
H.E.J.; Finnish Meteorological Inst., Finland
- Prediction of Times with Increased Risk of
Internal charging on Spacecraft
Andersson, L.; Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden
- Plasma Flow Velocities Over Northern
Nielsen, E.; Max Planck Institute for Aeronomie, Germany
- Consideration of Solar Activity in Models
of the Current and Future Particulate Environment of the Earth
Sdunnus, H.*; Bendisch, S.****; Klinkrad, H.***; Walker,
R.**; Stokes, H.**;
* Eta_Max Space, Germany; ** DERA, Great Britain;*** ESA/ESOC,
Germany;**** Institute for Flight Mechanics and Spaceflight T.,
- Neural Network in Ionospheric Weather
Cander, L.R.; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Great Britain
- Analysis and Real-Time Prediction of
Environmentally Induced Spacecraft Anomalies
Wu, J.G.*; Lundstedt, H.**; Eliason, L.***; Hilgers, A.****;
*DMI, Denmark; **Swedish Inst. Of Space Physics, Lund Sweden;
***Swedish Inst. Of Space Physics, Kiruna Sweden; ****ESTEC-ESA
- Predicting Maximum Amplitude of Solar
Cycles Using Geomagnetic Precursors
Lantos, P.; Richard, O.; Observatoire de Meudon, France
- 4D Imaging of the Ionosphere using GPS Data
and an Application to Ionoshperic Calibration of Radar Altimeters
Ruffini, G.; Flores, A.; Cardellach, E.; Cucurull, L.; Rius,
A.; Institut dÉstudis Espacials de Catalunya, Spain
Posters Session 4: World-Wide Space Weather Initiatives
- Space Weather Services in Australia
Thompson, R.; Cole, D.; Patterson, G.; Wilkinson, P.; IPS
Radio and Space Services, Australia
- Lund Space Weather Program
Lundstedt, H.*; Wintoft, P.*; Wu, J-G.**; Gleisner, H.*;
Dovheden, V.*;
* Lund Observatory, Sweden; ** Danish Meteorological Institute,
- Monitoring of the Cosmic Ray in Real Time
and Information System of the Moscow Station
Belov, A.V.*; Belov, M.A.*; Gushchina, R.T.* ;Eroshenko,
E.**; Kartyshev, V.G.*; Struminsky, A.B.*; Yanke, V.G.*;
* IZMIRAN Russian Academy of Science, Russia;** Institute of
Terrestrial Magnetism, Russia
- Multi-Point Magnetospheric Satellite
Network for Space Weather Applications
Cargill, P.J.*; Balogh, A.**; Schwartz, S.J.****;
Fazakerley, A.N.***; Johnstone, A.D.***;
* The Blackett Laboratory, Great Britain;** Imperial College of
Science, Techn.& Medicine, Great Britain; *** Mullard Space
Science Laboratory, Great Britain;**** Queen Mary and Westfield
College, Great Britain
- Hugin and Munin: Autonomous, Low Cost,
Space Weather Nanosatellites
Norberg, O.*; Barabash, S.*; Andersson, L.*; Eklund, U.*;
Winningham, J.D.***; Lindblad, T.**;
* Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Sweden;** Royal Institute of
Technology, Sweden;*** Southwest Research Institute, United States
of America
- Solar and Geomagnetic Activity During Solar
Cycle 23
Thomson, A.W.P.*; Thompson, R.**; Joselyn, J.***;
* British Geological Survey, Great Britain; ** IPS Radio and Space
Services, Australia;*** Space Environment Center, United States of
- Interplanetary Scintillation and Space
Weather Monitoring
Hapgood, M.; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Great Britain
- Space Weather Research at the Ondrejov
Karlicky, M.; Vandas, M.; Odstrcil, D.; Jiricka, K.; Knizek,
M.; Meszarosova, H.; Vanek, T.; Zloch, F.; Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
- Three Instruments for Monitoring the Space
Radiation Evironment
Mohammadzadeh, A.; Nickson, R.; Harboe Sorensen, R.S.; ESA
ESTEC, The Netherlands
- Coordinated Src and Ral Centers for
Ionospheric Weather Specification and Forecasting
Stanislawska, I.*; Cander, L.R.**;
*Space Research Center PAS, Poland; **CLRC Rutherford Appleton
Laboratory, Great Britain
- Activities of the ISES Meudon Warning
Lantos, P.; Gapihan, J.; Landrot, Y.; Observatoire de
Meudon, France
- ESA Space Weather Initiatives in the Space
Environments and Effects Analysis Section (TOS-EMA)
Crosby, N.; Hilgers, A; Daly, E.; ESA ESTEC
- Space Weather Activities at Danish
Meteorological Institute
Wu, J.-G.; Neubert, T.; Stauning, P.; Thejll, P.; Danish
Meteorological Institute, Denmark
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