Space Weather Workshop: Looking towards a European Space Weather Programme

17-19 December 2001 ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
The term "Space weather" refers to conditions on the Sun and
in the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere that
affect the performance and the reliability of technological systems
on Earth and in space. In addition, these conditions may affect
human life or health.
In the light of recently completed ESA studies conducted by
Alcatel Space and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, this workshop
aims to provide a forum in which both recent scientific and
technical advances relating to Space Weather can be presented and
discussed. In addition, the workshop will focus on the
implementation of a European Space Weather programme. Future ESA
Space Weather activities and possibilities for international
collaboration will also feature prominently in the discussion.
A European Space Weather programme would provide the
capacity to supply European based Space Weather services to a wide
variety of users including:
- Spacecraft industry;
- Users and providers of positioning systems;
- Scientific community.
- Airline companies;
- Oil and mineral industries;
- Electric power industry;
- Insurers;
- Telecommunications companies;
- Educational sector (establishment school, media,
- Security Forces
Contributions from users in all of the above areas are welcomed in
oral or poster format. The results of this workshop will represent
a very important element in deciding on the way forward for any
European Space Weather Programme.
17th December
09:00 |
SWWT Meeting (Closed) |
13:00 |
Lunch/Registration |
Introduction |
14:00 |
Welcome Speech
G. Winters |
14:10 |
Introduction From Chairman of the SWWT
R. Gendrin |
14:20 |
Overview of the Alcatel Space-LPCE Consortium Study
B. Huet |
14:35 |
RAL Consortium Study for an ESA Space Weather Programme
M. Hapgood |
Session1: Scientific
Understanding: Recent Achievements |
14:50 |
The Magnetic Precursors of Solar Activity
B. Schmieder, L. van Driel, S. Poedts |
15:05 |
Interplanetary Aspects of Space Weather
R. Marsden |
15:20 |
Cluster and Space Weather
P. Escoubet |
15:35 |
Review of Ionospheric and Thermospheric Processes
Relating to Space Weather
J. Lilensten |
15:50 |
Poster Presentations: 9x2 minutes |
16:10 - 16:40 |
Coffee & Poster Viewing |
Session 2: Technological
Effects |
16:40 |
A Review of the Effects of Space Weather on Ground Based
T. D. G. Clark |
16:55 |
Space Weather Effects in the Ionosphere and their Impact
on Positioning
N. Jakowski, A. Wehrenpfennig, S. Heise, S. Schluter, T. Noack |
17:10 |
Space Weather Effects on Spacecraft and Aircraft
C. Dyer |
17:25 |
Solar Variability and Climate Change
E. Friis-Christensen |
17:40 |
Poster Presentations: 11x2 minutes |
18:00 |
Welcome Drink in the ISS User Centre |
18th December
Session 3: Requirements for a
European Space Weather Service |
09:00 |
Rationale and Requirements for a European Space Weather
D. J. Rodgers & R. Horne |
10:00 |
The Practical Issues of Utilising a European Space
Weather Programme for Airline Operations
J. B. L. Jones, R. D. Bentley, R. Hunter, R. H. A. Iles, G. C.
Taylor, D. J. Thomas |
10:15 |
Poster Presentations: 3x2 minutes |
10:25 - 11:00 |
Coffee & Poster Viewing |
Session 4: Modelling of the
Space Weather Environment |
11:00 |
Numerical modelling capabilites from the point of view
of a Space Weather forecast facility
P.-L. Blelly & J. Lilensten |
11:15 |
Forecasting Space Weather and Effects using Knowledge
Based Neurocomputing
H. Lundstedt, P. Wintoft, T. Hasanov, F. Boberg, H. Gleisner, I.
Kronfeldt |
11:30 |
Perspective on Remote Access to Space Environment Models
and Databases
M. Kruglanski, E. Speelman, D. Heynderickx |
11:45 |
The Performance of Three Widely Used Numerical Models in
Predicting the Arrival Times at L1 of Major Flare/Halo CME
Associated Travelling Shocks
S. M. P. McKenna-Lawlor, M. Dryer, Z. Smith, K. Kecskemety, C. D.
Fry, W. Sun, C. S. Deehr, D. Berdichevsky, K. Kudela, G.
Zastenker |
12:00 |
CME Shock Collisions and Magnetic Cloud Impact
S. Poedts, B. van der Holst, L. van Driel |
12:15 |
Initial Results on Ionosphere/Plasmasphere Sounding
Based on GPS Data Obtained Onboard CHAMP
S. Heise, N. Jakowski, A. Wehrenpfennig, Ch. Reigber, H. Luhr |
12:30 |
Improved Predictions of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
with Application to ESA/LEO Satellite Operations
A. Thompson, T. D. G. Clark, E.Clarke |
12:45 |
Poster Presentations: 9x2 minutes |
13:05 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
Session 5: Future European
Space and Ground Segment Options |
14:00 |
RAL Space & Ground Segment Presentation
M. A. Hapgood |
14:45 |
Alcatel Space & Ground Segment Presentation
B. Huet (TBC) |
15:30 |
CDF Overview
R. Biesbroek |
15:55 - 16:15 |
Coffee & Posters |
Session 6: Space Weather
Infrastructures (I) |
16:15 |
LUND Space Weather Centre
H. Lundstedt |
16:25 |
Space Weather Effects and How SOHO has Improved the
P. Brekke |
16:35 |
INTAS: Space Weather Parameter Definition
N. Crosby |
16:45 |
Space Environment Database
R. Stamper, M. Hapgood |
17:55 |
Analysis and Prediction of Satellite Anomalies
P. Wintoft, H. Lundstedt, L. Eliasson, L. Kalla |
17:05 |
Space Weather Studies for the Satellite Insurance
A. J. Coates, N. B. C. Crosby, D. R. Linder, D. O. Kataria |
17:15 |
CLS: Collecte Localisation Satellites
A. Blusson |
17:25 |
J.-P. Villain |
17:35 |
Poster Presentations: 8x2 minutes & viewing |
18:00 |
Workshop social evening |
19th December
Session 7: Space Weather
Infrastructures (II) |
09:00 |
Interagency and International Collaboration in the U. S.
National Space Weather Program: A NOAA Space Envoronment Center
R. Zwickl, E. Hildner |
09:15 |
Space Weather Activities at the NOAA Space Environment
Center and the International Space Environment Service (ISES)
J. M. Kunches |
09:30 |
The Role of the Space Environment Testbed in NASA's
Living with a Star Programme
J. L. Barth, D. A. Brewer, K. A. Label |
09:45 |
The Community Coordinated Modelling Center: A New Space
Weather Initiative
M. Hesse |
10:00 |
Space Weather Support Needs for Manned Space Missions
M. Golightly |
10:15 |
INTERMAGNET: Worldwide Near Realtime Geomagnetic
Observatory Data
D. J. Kerridge |
10:30 |
Space Weather Activity at CRL, Japan
M. Akioka & all staff at CRL. |
10:45 |
Solar Terrestrial Research and Space Weather Activities
in Greece
A. Anastasiadis, I. A. Daglis |
11:00 |
National Initiatives: CNES Activities on Space Weather
Correlative Issues
R. Ecoffet & S. Barde |
11:15 |
The Solar Influences Data Analysis Centre
D. Berghmans, F. Clette, P. Cugnon, C. Foullon, J.-F. Hochedez,
R. van der Linden, E. Verwichte, A. Zhukov |
11:30 - 11:45 |
Coffee & Posters |
12:00 |
Open discussion session to include
..Economic Issues
..Future Plans
13:00 |
Workshop close |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 17:00 |
ESA Strategy Meeting (Closed) |
Poster dimensions are 1.8m high x 1.2m wide
Session1: Scientific Understanding
- On the Importance of Magnetic Helicity in the CME
Initiation Process
L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, Pascal Demoulin, Christina Mandrini, Lucie
Green, Marcelo Lopez-Fuentez
- Possible Diagnostics of fast Magnetic Field Variations
Associated with Flares
V. V. Zharkova & A. G. Kosovichev
- Solar Energetic Particle Events: Phenomenology and
S. B. Gabriel & G. Patrick
- Proton Flux Enhancement E>10MeV and Solar Wind Parameters
E. del Pozo Garcia
- Evolution of Geoeffective Disturbances in Interplanetary
E. Romashets
- Radio Scintillation Observations of the Solar Wind -
Recent Results and Proposals for a new-Generation System
A. R. Breen & G. Woan
- Magnetospheric Disturbances Impact on the Ionospheric
Daily FoF2 Frequencies
H. Rothkaehl, I. Stanislawska, Z. Zbyszynski
- Total Electron Content Obtained with the Use of Selected
GPS Satellites
A. Swiatek & I. Stanislawska
- Real Time Ionospheric Tomography using GPS Dense Network
V. Ducic, J. Artru, P. Lognonne
Session2: Technological Effects
- A Review of Scintillations Events and Probabilities as
Observed from Measurements for Satellite to Earth Radio Links
Y. Beniguel
- Satellite Vulnerability to Geomagnetic Storms
R. B. Horne, M. P. Freeman, D. Riley, M. Daws & K. Rutten
- Observations of the Dynamics of the Radiation Environment
and Associated component Effects on Polar Orbit in the period
S. Barde, D. Falguere, S. Duzellier, D. Boscher, S. Bourdarie, J.
Cueto, R. Ecoffet
- XMM Radiation Monitor
H. D. R. Evans, E. J. Daly, C. Erd, M. Boer
- GPS Based Ionospheric Scintillation Monitoring
M. Aquino, S. Waugh, T. Moore, A. Dodson
- The Effects of Space Weather on Radio Systems
P. Cannon
- HF Radio Propagation at high Latitudes: Observations and
Predictions for Quiet and Disturbed Conditions
B. Jacobsen, V. Jodalen, P. S. Cannon, O. Smith, M. J. Angling
- Effects of Disturbed Space Weather on HF Radio
D. Blagoveshchensky
- Investigation of the Variations in Cosmic Radiation at
Aircraft Altitudes
R. H. A. Iles, R. D. Bentley, R. Hunter, J. B. L. Jones, G. C.
Taylor, D. J. Thomas
- Space Weather and Radiation Exposure Analysis at Aircraft
D. O'Sullivan, D. Bartlett, P. Beck, J.-F. Bottollier, F.
d'Errico, L. Lindborg, H. Schraube, M. Silari, W. Heinrich,
M. Pellicciono, H. Roos, F. Spurny, L. Tommasino, F. Wissmann
- Space Weather Services for the Offshore Drilling Industry
T. D. G. Clark & E. Clarke
- Monitoring Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the
Scottish Power Grid
A. Thompson, T. D. G. Clark, E. Clarke
Session3: Requirements
- Using GNSS reflections for Ionospheric Studies
G. Ruffini, F. Soulat, P. Silvestrin, M. Martin-Neira
- A New Method for TEC Forecasting using GPS Measurements
S. M. Stankov, I. S. Kutiev, N. Jakowski, A. Wehrenpfennig
- Real Time Monitoring of Global Magnetic Activity: The
Ap(est) Index
E. Clarke
Session4: Modelling the Space Environment
- 14-Day Forecast of Solar Indices using Interplanetary
Lyman Alpha Background Data
E. Quemerais & J.-L. Bertaux
- An Operational Code for Solar Energetic Proton Flux
Prediction. First Approach
A. Aran, B. Sanahuja, D. Lario, V. Domingo
- Proton Flux Variation with Heliocentric distance
H. D. R. Evans, E. J. Daly, A. Hilgers, P. Nieminen
- Modeling the Radiation Belt Environment
D. Boscher, S. Bourdarie, A. Masclet, S. Barde, R. Friedel
- Non-linear Prediction of the Relativistic Electron
Fluence in the Outer Radiation Belt
S. N. Clucas, D. J. Rodgers, C. S. Dyer, R. J. K. Smith
- Nowcasting the Geosynchronous orbit for Spacecraft
Anomalies Analysis
S. Bourdarie, D. Boscher, J. P. Catani, R. Friedel
- NARMAX based forecast of Dst index
Balikhin M., S. A. Billings, O. M. Boaghe, I. Bates
- Application of the Ionosphere - Plasmasphere Model for
Short-term forecasting of Total Electron Content
T. Gulyaeva
- Modeling the Electrojet over Northern Europe during Large
Geomagnetic Storms
P. Stauning
- Scientists' Thoughts about the Forecasting Problem of
Geomagnetically Induced Currents
A. Viljanen, R. Pirjola, A. Pulkinnen
Sessions 6&7: Space Weather Infrastructures
The following posters are presented in parallel
with oral presentations
- LUND Space Weather Centre
H. Lundstedt
- The Solar Influences Data Analysis Centre (SIDC)
D. Berghmans, F. Clette, P. Cugnon, C. Foullon, J.-F. Hochedez, R.
van der Linden, E. Verwichte, A. Zhukov
- INTAS: Space Weather Parameter Definition
N. Crosby
- Space Environment Database
R. Stamper, M. Hapgood
- Analysis and Prediction of Satellite Anomalies
P. Wintoft, H. Lundstedt, L. Eliasson, L. Kalla
- Space Weather Studies for the Satellite Insurance
A. J. Coates, N. B. C. Crosby, D. R. Linder, D. O. Kataria
- CLS: Collecte Localisation Satellites
A. Blusson
- Geomagnetic Indices Availability
M. Menvielle, J. Paris
Poster presentations
- Space Weather Activities in Cost 271 Action
B. Zolesi & Lj. R. Cander
- A Proposal for a COST Action on Space Weather
Toby Clark
- The Central-European Space Weather Initiative (CESWI)
M. Messerotti
- Operational Processing of Space Weather Data
A. Wehrenpfennig, N. Jakowski, D. Klahn
- Program of Solar Observations and Flare Warning at
Catania Astrophysical Observatory
P. Romano, L. Contarino, F. Zuccarello
- The Trieste Solar Radio System as a Near Real-Time
Monitor of Coronal Radio Emission
M. Messerotti & P. Zlobec
- The Trieste-Graz Solar Surveillance Network: Progress
Report 2001
M. Messerotti, W. Otruba, W. Poetzi, A. Hanslmeier, G. Brunner, M.
Temmer, A. Veronig, A. Warmuth, A. Cacciani, P. F. Moretti
- Muon Detectors - Real Time forecast of Geomagnetic Storms
F. Jansen, K. Munataka, M. L. Duldig
Potential meeting participants are invited to contact Alexi Glover, Alain Hilgers or
Eamonn Daly by
email in order to discuss their possible contribution to the
Participation in the meeting is free of charge, but
registration should be done in advance and preferably before 16
November. Please complete the Registration
Form and send it to the indicated address. Contributions should be
sent to Alexi Glover (alexi.glover@esa.int) specifying your
name, affiliation, and an abstract of your contribution prior to
19th October.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be 600-800 words in length, incorporating
the following information:
- Title of paper
- Name and affiliation of author(s)
- Addresses, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers
- Name of the prime author or contact person
- Summary of the paper
Abstracts should be submitted to Alexi Glover by
19th October 2001.
Presentations making use of computer facilities are
Presenters are required to make presentation material
available for a conference web site. Proceedings will be made
available on the ESA Space
Weather web site, as well as in printed form.
New: style guide can
be found here
Rooms have been blocked in various hotels in Noordwijk in
different categories.
Please book your hotel room by using the Hotel
Reservation Form and return it before the 16th of November to the
ESTEC Hotel Reservation Service. Confirmation of your reservation
will be sent to you by fax.
Organising Committee
R. Gendrin (Chairman)
A. Glover (Coordinator)
A. Hilgers
E. Daly
Contact for ESTEC administrative
Conference Bureau P.O. Box 299 2200 AG Noordwijk The Netherlands Fax: +31 (0)71-565
5658 e-mail: confburo@estec.esa.nl
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