COST 251 Derived COST Telecommunications Project (Proposed
Presented by Ersin Tulunay
Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Effects of the upper atmosphere on terrestrial and earth-space
Coordinator: R. Hanbaba, France Telecom CNET, Lannion, France
Vice Coordinator: B. Zolesi, Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Rome,
Working Group 1 Impact of variability of
space environment on communications.
- Lj. R. Cander, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot , UK
- I. Stanislawska, Space Research Center, Warsaw, Poland.
Working Group 2 Assessment of space plasma
effects for satellite applications.
- R. Leitinger, University of Graz, Austria
- P. Spalla, National Research Council, IROE, Florence, Italy
Working Group 3 Ionospheric effects on
terrestrial communications
- A. Bourdillon, Université de Rennes 1, France
- J. Lastovicka, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Praha,
Czech Republic
Working Group 4 Space plasma effects on
Earth-Space and satellite to satellite communications
- S. M. Radicella, Abdus Salam International ICTP, Trieste,
- E. Tulunay, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- To stimulate further cooperation in the ionosphere and
plasmasphere prediction and forecasting, including interactive
repurcussions on the corresponding standards in this field , taking
into account users present and future needs
- To perform studies to influence the technical development
and the implementation of new communication services, paricularly
for advanced Earth-Space and satellite to satellite applications
- To develop methods and algorithms to predict and to
minimize the effects of ionospheric perturbations and variations on
- To ensure that the best models over Europe are made
available to the ITU-R
- To collect additional quantities and types of ionospheric
and plasmaspheric data
Contact Addresses:
Dr. Ersin Tulunay
Dr. Lj. R. Cander
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