Economic Value of 
Space Weather Related Phenomena
and Consequent 
Economic Impact of a 
Space Weather Service

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or fax to Space Weather Working Team Secretariat: +31 71 565 5420
Effects and Needs for each Sector 
Economic Impact (+justification)  
Sector Met needs (in term of information on space weather, forecast, nowcast, historical) Present or near-term un-met needs Effects trends value of systems affected (note 1) value or amount of manpower affected 
(note 2)
value of system deployed to prevent or take action in response to space weather effects (note 3) value or amount of manpower deployed to prevent or take action in response to space weather effects (note 4) Potentential economic benefit provided by the deployment of a space weather service
S/C and Launchers development                
S/C and launchers operations                
Manned Space Flight                
Aircraft crew and avionics                
Oil and Mineral industry                
Electrical power                
Insurance (S/C,...)                
Radio Communications                
Education Sector, Public interest,
Scientific Tourism.
Scientific community                
Remote sensing                

Note 1: In any sector or part of a sector, when problems occur, what is the "loss". For example:
a satellite,
a proportion of the commercial service provided (+frequency of occurrence)
part of a power system

Note 2: In any sector or part of a sector, when problems occur, what manpower is mobilised to deal with the problem. For example:
investigation team,
engineering team,

Note 3: In any sector or part of a sector, in general, how much is "invested" to ensure the immunity from problems. For example:
testing of components;
deployment of redundancy;
monitoring equipment;

Note 4: In any sector or part of a sector, in general, how manpower is expended to ensure the immunity from problems. For example:
additional strength in operations teams
monitoring and assessment teams

Last Updated on 23/11/00